Join us next Tuesday, August 21st at the Mount Pleasant outdoor pool from 8 to 10pm. Potluck, pool, BBQ, games, all your friends from Pyro, bring your friends, bring your family and if you have kids, bring them, it’s absolutely free, what else can you ask for? This is going to be super fun!!


For time:

100 thrusters 95/65

**Every time you drop the bar, run 400m (Pyro 400 up the hill)**

Note: Pick a weight that you can do around 20 reps unbroken when fresh. If you end up doing set of 10 or below, you went too heavy. There is a scaled version but you can pick anywhere in between. 75/55 would be a good option for example. Aim to do the workout in 6 or 7 sets. If your 400m take you longer than 2min, scale to 300m or 200m if needed. This is the only component today so we invite you to challenge yourself. Keep the intensity up, push hard and more importantly, have fun!!

Scaled: 45/35



Weightlifting W3D1

Power snatch

Power clean and jerk

Note: Part of our prep for next week’s Pyro meet, build up to your max for the day, try to keep it around 90% of max effort. Don’t push it, learn to be satisfied with your efforts for the day and move on. Focus on the next day. Maxing out everyday is taxing on the body, work hard but in a controlled, you will gain more this way.

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