Pyro meet is Saturday August 25th. All of you should sign up. The more that join for the fun, the more gear we get for workouts. Bella purple bar anyone? More 15s? Red 55lbs competition plates? More gear dedicated in the dojo? No experience necessary, actually, the less experience the better. This is meant to be a super fun event. Only 25$. Expect it to be from 10am to about 2pm. Sign up on Rhinofit


Back squats

Note: All working sets above 50% of 1RM


5 2min AMRAP
15 front squats 135/95
10 shoulder to overhead 135/95
Max chest to bar pull ups

1mim rest between rounds

Score is number of chest to bar pull ups for all the rounds combined

Note: Scale the weight and volume accordingly. You should get to the pull ups with about 30sec

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