To all Pyromanians, attendance is picking up rapidly these days, especially for the 5pm and 6pm classes. Please, sign up for classes on Rhinofit. Our goal is to offer the best possible training environment and coaching. One coach for 20 athletes is just not a good ratio. We technically cap our class at 10. We allow up to 13 on Rhinofit but if the class is full and that’s the only time you can come, please come. Obviously, don’t turn around because it’s too crowded. Remember that gear might be limited and coaching becomes harder to focus on everyone. Eventually, we’ll double up coaching and have more gear but in the meantime, we can all do our part by signing up for classes and if possible, come to another less crowded time. Thanks for your cooperation

MEC sprint triathlon is Saturday August 18th

Pyro gang at the Mount Pleasant outdoor pool, Tuesday August 21st from 8pm to 10pm

Pyro Olympic Lifting meet is Saturday August 25th, 25$, all proceeds go to getting more gear, sign up on Rhinofit. Absolutely no experience necessary. All details and rule book tomorrow


Shoulder press

Push press

Jerk (split or push)

*We’ll be recording your 5RM shoulder press, 3RM push press and your 1RM jerk.

Note: This is a strength only day, that’s right, no METCON. Perfect time to work on technique, hangout, have fun and just relax


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