Floater 1
2018 CrossFit Games
“Two stroke pull”
5 rds for time:
300m run
15/12 cals bike
44ft sled pulls weight TBD
Floater 2
2018 CrossFit Games
“Madison Triplus”
For time:
500m swim
1000m paddle (floating plank, just use arms)
2000m run
Acc work
Back Squat
Barbell Bulgarian Split Squat 4×10 (Each leg)
Back Extension Holds 4×45 seconds
(Hold yourself at the top of the back extension for the allotted period of time, squeezing the glutes, hamstring and core)
Kneeling DB Shoulder Press 4×10 (Superset with band pull parts 4×15)
10 Minute Skill Work: Inverted Work (Kicking to the wall, HSPU, Conan Drill, Handstand Walk)
Shoulder Press
Weighted Pullups 4×8
L-Sit Holds 4×20 seconds (Hanging or Parallettes)
Good Mornings 4×20 (Keep it light. This is meant for your glutes and hamstrings. Your lower back should not be taking the load. Brace core and hip hinge to just before midline breaks and then stand up using glutes and hamstrings)
20 MU for time (Ring or Bar. A good scale option is some type of pullup or muscle up transition)
Bent-over KB Rows 4×15 (Both arms at the same time)
Deadbugs with hands on the wall 4×15 (Lie on your back about a foot from the wall and place your hands behind you on the wall. Focus on keeping the core engaged and alternating legs. This takes the coordination part out and allows us to really focus on core stability and control)
Glute Ham Raises on the GHD 4×15 (These are not back extensions. Google the difference or ask a coach in class)
10 Minute Skill Work: Handstand walks (This can include scales as well. If you have your handstand walk, challenge yourself with walking over plates or around obstacles)