32 teams registered for Pyromania III. That’s 64 athletes across 7 divisions. Do you have what it takes to compete in the Firebreathers division? The events won’t be much different but the athletes competing will. Being a Firebreather is a mindset, a state of mind, it has nothing to do with your fitness level or how much you can lift. Everyone can be a Firebreather, it’s only a matter of developing mental toughness, having a burning desire to be better and being able to overcome adversity. Firebreathers are those that seeks challenges, that will test their limits and the harder something is, the more they like it. Get after it!!!

*New division alert*
NxTGEN kids, teens and adaptive athletes. 100$ per team

Tickets on sale at www.eventbrite.ca

Clean and jerk

20 squat clean + jerk (light load)

Note: Just like the snatch this week, focus on technique


E2M10M (5 sets)

15/12 cals bike or row
15 toes to bar

Note: If you can’t complete the required reps in the 2min, lower the volume. Scale the toes to bar for knee raises or situps. For extra challenge, do GHD sit ups instead of toes to bar


12min AMRAP

10 sumo deadlift high pulls 95/65
8 burpees over the bar
6 pistols

Note: Burpees over the bar, NOT bar facing

Weightlifting W3D2

Power clean + push jerk

Clean and jerk

Back squat

Foothills track workout + beach volleyball/spikeball Sunday July 8th at 12 until 2pm

Last day to register for Pyromania III and receive your awesome comp athlete tshirt/tank top. You’ll still be able to register after but won’t be getting the tshirt. Get on it today!!
Here’s the link:

**COMPTRAIN benchmark**


For time:

30 power snatch 135/95
10 ring muscle ups
30 power clean and jerk 135/95
10 ring muscle ups
30 thrusters 135/95
10 ring muscle ups


Option 1:

For time:

30 power snatch 95/65
10 chest to bar pull ups
30 power clean and jerk 95/65
10 chest to bar pull ups
30 thrusters 95/65
10 chest to bar pull ups

Option 2:

For time:

30 power snatch 75/55
10 banded pull ups
30 power clean and jerk 75/55
10 banded pull ups
30 thrusters 75/55
10 banded pull ups

Note: We gave you 2 scaling options but you can scale anywhere in between. Rx the load with bar muscle ups would be a good option or lighter weight but with muscle ups would be a good option as well

**COMPTRAIN Challenge**
Perform this workout as prescribed under 13min and you receive a special edition COMPTRAIN tshirt. Make sure to video your workout if you think you can do it

**PYRO challenge**
Perform this workout with the prescribed weight with rings or bar muscle ups under 16min and you receive a PYRO sticker. Honour system

Absolute deadline to register for Pyromania and get your awesome free Athlete tshirt/tank top is Sunday July 8th. The order as to go in Monday. You will still be able to sign up for the event after but no tshirt. Not only you get to take part in what is set to be the most comprehensive fitness event, you get a free wicked tshirt. The apparel design will be similar to the competition 451 shirts. Now, stop finding excuses and sign up!!!


The snatch
20 high hang squat snatch

Note: Very light load, technique focus


Front squats

Split jerks

Weightlifting W3D1

Power snatch

High hang squat snatch


Front squat

Note: All sets above 60% of 1RM


WOD 1:

10 hill sprints

*starts at the fire hydrants and turn around at the crack up the hill*

WOD 2:

5 rounds for time:

10 dumbbells front squats 50/35
10 dumbbells shoulder to overhead 50/35

Acc work:

False Grip Ring Row 10-12
L-sit Pull 4-6
Every 90 seconds for 6 minutes
GHD Hip Extension 20

Bar or Ring Muscle Up 5 (Pick a challenging scale)
Pistols 10-12
Every 90 seconds for 6 minutes
One Arm Farmers Walk 100ft (50ft Each Arm)

3 Minutes to find max unbroken double unders (if you don’t have doubles take the 3 minutes to work on the skill)

Weighted Pullups 8-10
2 Legless Rope Climb
10 D-ball Clean

Barbell curls
Ring Dips
GHD Situps

Classes at 9/10 and 11

Partner up! Same or opposite sex teams


For time:

50 cals bike (partner 2 holds the DB)
50 DB deadlifts 50/35
50 DB hang power cleans 50/35
50 DB step ups 50/35 24/20
50 GHD sit ups (partner 2 holds the DB)
50 DB push jerks 50/35
50 DB snatch 50/35
50 DB thrusters 50/35
50 DB burpees
50 cals row (partner 2 holds the DB)

Note: Share all the reps as needed

Canada Day hours: 9/10 and 11 (normal hours)
Monday: 9/10 and 11 (no classes at 6am, noon and night)
Tuesday: Back to regular hours

Track workout + beach volleyball/spikeball Sunday July 8th at noon until 2pm

Want to do Pyromania but missing a partner? Let us know and we’ll help


For time:

10 handstand push ups
15 deadlifts 250/175
25 box jumps 30/24
50 pull ups
100 wall balls 20/14
200 double unders
400m run with plate 45/35

Lieutenant Andrew Richard Nuttall, 30, from the 1st Battalion Princess Patricia’s Canadian Light Infantry (1 PPCLI), based in Edmonton, Alberta, serving as a member of the 1 PPCLI Battle Group was killed by an improvised explosive device that detonated during a joint foot patrol near the village of Nakhonay in Panjwaii District, about 25 km southwest of Kandahar City on December 23, 2009. He is survived by his parents, Richard and Ethel Jane Nuttall.

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