Pyromania III is approaching fast and we still have teams registering. The event can only be a success with your help. We’ll be sharing more details for the volunteers and helpers tomorrow. Athletes can also help with the judging if available as a large number of Pyro athletes are doing it. For the most part, we’ll be running heats of 6 so we’ll only need 6 judges per heats. We have updated the schedule on Rhinofit with workout times for Pyromania. As volunteers, you can sign up for the times you can come help. We don’t need everyone to do all day or multiple heats but if everyone of you come in for an hour, judge 1 or 2 heats, hangout, enjoy the festivities, it would be pretty much all we need. It’s going to be a collective effort for sure. Things like the run will be pretty straight forward, we just need somebody to record the time at the end. We will need some of you to be scattered around the circuit at turning points to direct athletes. The run will be quick, only 3 heats of 30 min each with a short turnaround. We’ll be starting the festivities Friday night, July 20th at 6pm, first heat will be 6:30pm, second heat at approximately 7pm and the last heat around 7:30pm and should be able to wrap up everything by 8:45/9pm. Saturday starts at 8am at the Bowview pool and Sunday starts at 8am as well but at Injanation. All the details will be shared shortly, we’re just finalizing everything. This is super exciting. Especially the ZEUS skipping ropes!!!!

Skills 10min

The jerk


On a 20min running clock:

1mile run (the pyro mile)


with the remaining time find your 5 rep max, jerk (from the rack, any style)

Score is your time for the mile run and you max load for 5 reps


ROMWOD or 10min stretch




For time:


Back squats
Strict handstand push ups

White 185/135, hand release push ups
Silver 225/155, handstand push ups 1 abmat
Gold 275/185, strict handstand push ups
Legendary 315/225, strict handstand push ups

Note: If you’re going Legendary and think you can do sub 8min, make sure to video your performance and send it to comptrain to get your awesome tshirt. If you do sub 10min Legendary, you get a Pyro sticker. Honor system

Weightlifting W4D2

Hang power clean

5 sets
5 hang squat clean + 1 jerk

Clean pulls @110% of 1RM clean and jerk

Back squats

Note: 5sec pause at bottom

You can still sign up for Pyromania III. We past the deadline for registration and get your free tshirt but don’t let that stop you. We did order some extras but is very limited. We have now 40 teams registered, that’s 80 athletes that committed themselves to a 3 day fitness festival including, running, swimming, lifting, classic CrossFit, parkour, for a total of 6 workouts and a final workout for the top 5 teams in each divisions. This is gearing up to be the ultimate CrossFit event. This is by far the most complete test of fitness around. We still have room for you, don’t wait until the last minute, find a partner and do it. Here’s the link:

Skills/strength (20min)

Snatch balance

Note: Focus on technique, don’t get hung up on the weight you use. Yes, the load matters but it’s worth nothing if technique is not good and consistent. In the end, you should end up with a challenging weight for you that will make you better at the snatch. Whatever you power snatch 1RM is, you should be able to snatch balance it for a triple. As far as you full snatch, you should definitely be able snatch balance more. Got some work to do? Let’s work at it!

METCON (24min)

6 rounds of 2min
20/14 cals row
5 burpees
Max toes to bar

2min rest between rounds

Score is the total reps of toes to bar for all 6 rounds combined

Note: At each round, you will row 20/14 cals row, then do 5 burpees and only then, you can start doing toes to bar. Each round is meant to be a sprint

This workout allows for up to 12 athletes between the work times and rest periods. Make sure that you sign up for classes as we have limited equipment. Worst case scenario, 2 athletes could use the air bike, anyone?


“Running FRAN on a ladder”

For time:
800m run
21 thrusters 95/65
21 pull ups
400m run
15 thrusters 135/95
15 chest to bar pull ups
200m run
9 thrusters 165/115
9 bar muscle ups
100m run

Scale option 1: Keep the run as is, thrusters at 95/65 and regular pull ups

Note: This might be SPIIIIICY!

Weightlifting W4D1

Power snatch


Note: For both the power snatch and snatch, do 5 singles close together, all working sets above 50% of your respective 1RM

Snatch pulls @110% of 1RM (touch and go, no drops)

Back squats

Note: All working sets above 50% of 1RM

Wod 1:
10 rds for time:
100m swim

1min rest btw rds

Wod 2:
10 rds for time:
15 cals bike

1min rest btw rds

Acc work

Pull up complex till failure (3 sets)
Wide Grip
Narrow Grip
False Grip Pull up on rings
(60 second rest between each set, two minutes between each round)

Hollow holds 30 seconds

25 Banded Pull Through (use a heavy band, work on hip hinge and driving the hips. Squeeze glutes at top of hop extension)

10 Knees To Elbow
8 Pistols
(Scale reps and movements to give your self 1:1 work rest ratio)

10 DB Step Up (each leg)

Ring Dips
Ring Rows

20 DB Curls

**Each session starts with 3 minutes of double under work. So time to work at it, if you have double unders, work on breathing and staying relaxed or going for large sets to test your aerobic capacity**

Today, 12pm is the absolute deadline to register for Pyromania and get your free tshirt. We have to do the order tomorrow to make sure we get them on time. We will get some extras but don’t count on this to get yours. They will go first come first serve on the day of the event. Here’s the link to register:

The track day was so much fun! Awesome people, great workout, perfect weather, got some high jumps in, played volleyball, spikeball. Approximately 20 of us showed up. We wrapped up the day at 3:30. Sweet skills everyone!!

Double unders

On a 20min running clock:

For time:
Double unders

Rx: Each set must be unbroken, if you trip or stop you have to start the set over
Scaled: Each set can be broken
Scaled option 2: Singles and doubles mixed
Scaled option 3: Single unders

Note: Once you complete the required reps you must come to a complete stop before starting the next set

Then, with the remaining time:

Build up to a 5 rep max hang squat clean

Each part is scored separately

Example: flight simulator 8:40, clean 205

Coach note: This workout is a double edge sword. You want to go fast in flight simulator but risk of tripping and take more time. Also, the faster you go the more time you have to build up your clean. You will have time before the timer starts to set your bar.


No classes today at the gym. We’re all meeting at the Foothills athletic park for 12pm. Beach volleyball + spikeball at 1pm until 2pm. Put some sunscreen on, bring some refreshments and let’s have some fun!!

No classes at the gym!!

Meet at the Foothills Athletic park, north side at 12pm. We’ll do a group warm up and start the workout around 12:15. Bring some water and be on time

Stick around after the workout for some beach volleyball and spikeball from 1 to 2. Fun times!!

Track workout

Partner up

20min AMRAP

Partner 1
400m run

Partner 2
15 kettlebell swings 53/35
12 situps
9 burpees

*Must switch after each runs. Continue reps where left of. Partners must tag for the switch*

Score is total reps of kettlebell swings, situps and burpees

We’ll bring the kettlebells, chalk, poker chips and a timer

Join us Sunday July 8th at the Foothills athletic park from 12 to 2 for a track workout and then  stick around for some fun beach volleyball and spikeball. Bring your friend, family and kids. Make sure to bring some cold refreshments. See you there!



Warm up
Hollow body/arch and beat swing

Accumulate 2min of each

False grip ring hang hold (say that 5 times fast)
Ring support
Bottom pistol (1min per leg)
Handstand hold

Tabata v-ups
Tabata push ups
Tabata ring rows

Note: set the rings at your hip bone and lean back with your feet in line with the rings. No rest between tabatas and each tabatas are performed one after the other. Your score is your lowest number of reps done in the 20sec of work for each movement. Example, if you do 7 v-ups in your last round and that’s the least you’ve done, that’s your score.

Weightlifting W3D3

Snatch balance
Push press
Push jerk

Note: All sets are meant to be good working sets. Build to max for day but don’t focus on the PRs, aim for a 90% of 1RM



For time:
100 squats
5 ring muscle ups
75 squats
10 ring muscle ups
50 squats
15 ring muscle ups
25 squats
20 ring muscle ups

S01 (SEAL) Jason Dale Lewis was killed by an IED while conducting combat operations in Southern Baghdad July 6, 2007. We name this workout “Jason” in honor of his life, family, and courage. Donna, Jack, Max, and Grace, we’ll forget neither your husband and father nor your sacrifice and loss.

Note: Scale the ring muscle ups to bar muscle ups, chest to bar pull ups, pull ups, strict pull ups, low rings muscle ups or even ring rows to dips. For those close to get your muscle ups or are inconsistent, use that workout wisely and get better.

Track wod at the Foothills athletic park Sunday July 8th at 12pm until 2pm. Workout is from 12 to 1 and then we’ll play beach volleyball and spikeball. There will be no classes at the gym on that day. Sorry for the inconvenience but not sorry, we’re a team and when the team does something, we’re all in. Teamwork is one of the eight core values of Pyro and we mean it haha. We covered the fees for the booking. Friends and family welcome. Even bring your kids. We’ll be starting the warm up just after 12 so try to be on time. You can park on the north side, by the aquatic park and the volleydome then head down the hill by foot. We’ll meet on the north side of the track. See attached picture for the map


10 rounds for time:

100m dash
1 rope climb
5 hang squat cleans at bodyweight
5 parallettes handstand push ups

Note: The 100m dash is going to be towards the hill 50m out and back

Rope climbs to half
Hang squat cleans to 3/4 or 1/2 bodyweight
Mini handstand push ups or hold

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