5 rounds for time:
15 cals air bike
10 D-ball cleans 100/70

20 rounds for time:
50m swim
Rest 30 sec btw rds

Acc work (From Coach Andrew)

“Getting good at the core lifts will have a huge carryover into everything else. Start light, progress slowly, and leave out the ego in order to bust PRs.” – Jim Wendler, Strength Coach and Powerlifter (owner of a 1,000lb squat)

I’ve decided to pair accessory work with Wendler’s 5-3-1 program for the next month. This is a barebones-rip-and-grip-barbells program. Wendler is a former NCAA football player, strength coach and powerlifter. He came up with the 5-3-1 program as a quick, but effective, strength training program for people who value simplicity and efficient training sessions.
It’s designed as a four-day a week, for four weeks, program around the four foundational lifts in powerlifting: deadlift, squat, shoulderpress and bench. We will skip the bench press day (this hurts me as much as it hurts all of you #beachszn).
The first week is sets of 5’s, second week sets of 3’s, third week sets of 1’s and week four deload. Each week works off percentages of your 1RM (if you don’t know this, pick up a barbell and find out). This should take between 12-15 minutes (3-5 minute rest between sets- take the rest….).

Why have I done this? Strength in these lifts will only benefit you in other aspects of CrossFit (FYI event three at Madison this year is the CrossFit Total…). The higher your 1RM the lighter weights become in METCON’s. For many of us who are traveling this summer, these three lifts are easy to do in any CrossFit box or conventional gym. Lastly, it provides you with alternative programing if you have limited time, or injuries, but want to get strength work in.

Keep the volume, scale the weight. It’s important to build volume, especially for longer metcons. The more volume and strength our muscles, tendons and ligaments experience, the more resilient they are to injuries.
Adding the strength component is longer, so feel free to superset the accessory items or make an EMOM to keep yourself accountable and efficient. I will also work in some time for skill work. I envision this to be between 30-40 minutes: 15 for strength, 15-25 for accessory and skill work.

Back Squat:
85%x5(+) (Max reps)

Barbell Bulgarian Split Squat 4×15 (each leg)
Accumulate 2 Minutes of Hollow Holds
Kneeling DB Shoulder Press 4×15
Spend 5 Minutes on Pullup Skill Work (Kipping/Butterfly/C2B)


Shoulder Press:

Weighted Pullups 4×8
GHD Situps 4×25
KB RDL 4×20
5 Rope Climbs for Time



1 Arm DB Row 4×15
Deadbugs 4×10 (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rbemelnkHag)
Hip Extension 4×25
Rings Dips
DB Curls

Come and join us for the fun, Tuesday August 21st from 8pm to 10pm at the Mount Pleasant outdoor pool. No workouts there, just hanging out and have fun. Bring your family, friends and kids. We’ll have a BBQ with hot dogs, kids toys for the pool, tables will be setup for a potluck so bring your favourite dish. We’ll bring Spikeball and other games. This is free of charge, just a thanks to you for being awesome!! Hope to see you all there

2 power snatch (drops allowed)

For time:

5 squat snatch 95/65
6 bar facing burpees
7 toes to bar

2 rds
5 squat snatch 135/95
6 bar facing burpees
7 toes to bar

1 rd
5 squat snatch 155/105
6 bar facing burpees
7 toes to bar

Timeframe: 10-15min

Note: Scale the snatch ladder as needed. Burpees are open standards

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