Do you even lift bros?

Get ready for the 2018 Pyro Olympic lifting meet. Saturday August 25th. Every athlete gets 3 attempts at the snatch, 3 attempts at the clean and jerk. There will be weight classes, official numbers will be announced shortly. We will build a special Olympic Lifting platform just for that. We’ll have a professional videographer shooting “hookgrip” style slow mo video of our lifts. There will be judges as well. 25$ per athlete and all proceeds go directly to the “Save the 10s” foundation. Kidding aside, all proceeds will go to buying more lifting gear for the gym. New plates, bars, collars and others. We’ll keep that one in house as much as we can. Meaning that it’s going to be mostly Pyro but we’ll extend the invite to our friends but we won’t push or advertise it much. This is meant to be fun, don’t take yourself too seriously, that being said, onesies are strongly recommended. You can register through Rhinofit. Search events or simply go the calendar, click on the event and will go through your account.


Back squats

Note: 5sec pause at bottom


For time:

Power cleans bodyweight
Ring dips

Acc work (not during regular classes)

Single Arm Kettlebell Shoulder Press (hold KB bottom up. Reduce weight to focus on stability in the range of motion) 4×10

15 Romanian Deadlifts
15 Hollow rocks

Ring Rows 4×20 (Try to finish all 20 reps. Scale the movement accordingly to allow for this)

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