6min AMRAP
21 zeus rope double unders (scale to singles)
15 squats
9 pull ups

2min rest

6min AMRAP
21 Kettlebell swings 53/35
15 goblet squats
9 push ups

Score is total reps for both AMRAPs together

Photo by Leonora Andre photography

Pyromania III was absolutely phenomenal. 3 offsite workouts, the tethered run in Confederation park, the row/swim/snatch workout at the Bowview pool, the parkour at Injanation, we had the obvious classic CrossFit workout but with a twist, burpees over the wall, single and double unders with the Zeus ropes, THE clean ladder (which was almost 3 hours long), it was something else. We’re so fortunate to have all of you taking part of it. Yes, the workouts were cool, the venues were unique, but in reality, what made Pyromania III so special is because of you!! That might sound cliche but it is what it is. Without you, this event would be nothing. Special thanks to Ryan and Sarah for helping with the scoring system, putting together the leaderboard, doing the scorekeeping, without these two, we would have lost our minds. They offered their help and went beyond the call of duty. Thanks to Katie for offering massages to the athletes. Dynamic YYC was onsite as well treating athletes. We had gym rats, Lifestyle sports and Trulocal demoing and offering samples of their products. Thanks to our coaches for not only competing but also for being available to judge and helping in general…and also for being incredible human beings. Many of you helped throughout the weekend, cleaning, moving the rowers to the pools, bringing them back, carrying equipment, opening the gym for us, getting coffee, food and everything in between. Your gestures didn’t go unnoticed, we will forever be grateful for it. Our community is truly special, we can’t say this enough. Again, thank you so much!!

This was our third Pyromania, it keeps evolving, we learn from it and we improve, our goal was and is to offer the most well rounded CrossFit challenge out there, FOR EVERYONE! Taking everything that makes CrossFit and cram it into a weekend of fitness. If any of you did something new, got a PR, got outside your comfort, got better or had fun, then it was a success. We believe we achieved that

PYROMANIA IV 2019, be ready

     © 2016 CrossFit Pyro

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