Not for time:
30 low ring muscle ups
Note: Focus on form, keep the rings tight, low deep dip transitions, work on your kipping dip as well
10min EMOM alt min
4 strict wall facing handstand push ups
4 deficit handstand push ups 6/4
8min AMRAP
8 pistols
8 ring row
Weightlifting W2D3
Overhead squats
Note: If possible, do the first rep as a snatch balance
Push press
Push jerks
Note: All from the rack. No maxing out, aim for a good 90% max effort
For time:
21 overhead squats 95/65
42 pull ups
15 overhead squats 95/65
30 pull ups
9 overhead squats 95/65
18 pull ups
U.S. Army Staff Sgt. Joshua Hager, 29, of Broomfield, Colorado, was killed Thursday, Feb. 22, 2007, when an improvised explosive device detonated near his Humvee during combat operations in Ramadi, Iraq. Prior to his death, Hager was serving in the 1st Battalion, 9th Infantry Regiment, 2nd Brigade Combat Team, 2nd Infantry Division in Fort Carson, Colorado.
He is survived by his wife, Heather; son, Bayley; mother, Lois Knight; father, Kris; and stepbrother, Ensign Aaron Jozsef.
Track workout Sunday July 8th at 12pm and beach volleyball/spikeball at 1pm until 2pm. There will be no classes in the morning, just come to the Foothills track
Clean and jerk
30 barbell squats clean and split jerk
Front squats
Back squats
5 rounds for time:
1 hill run
5 bar muscle ups
Scaled 5 strict pull ups (use a band if needed but make each rep as challenging as you can. Go singles if you have to)
Rx+ Ring muscle ups
Legendary weight vest + ring muscle ups
“Fight Club”
3 Rounds, For Reps:
1:00 Thrusters (96/65#)
1:00 Power Cleans (95/65#)
1:00 Box Jump-Overs (24/20″)
1:00 Pull-ups
1:00 Assault Bike Cals
*Rest 1:00 Between Rounds
Note: If you’re planning on hitting 300reps Rx, make sure to video yourself and send it to athlete@comptrain.co with your tshirt size and instagram @handle. Deadline is Friday June 29th
Warm up
Clean and jerk primer
Power cleans
5 sets
2 squat cleans + 1 jerk
Front squat
Note: All sets to be above 50% of 1RM
Oly lift skills
30 barbell high hang squat clean and jerk 45/35
E2M12M (6 sets)
50 double unders
25ft handstand walk
For time:
Wall balls 20/14
Deadlifts 225/155
Note: Perform 42 wall balls, 21 deadlifts, 30 wall ball, 15 deadlifts…
Wall balls 30/20
Deadlifts 275/185
Pyromania III, 3 days, 6 events plus final, same sex partners
Friday July 20th (6pm to 8pm)
Saturday July 21st (8am to 3pm)
Sunday July 22nd (8am to 3pm)
Run (3k)
Swim (500m relay plus other movements)
Lifting speed ladder (cleans)
Classic Crossfit
Injanation parkour
Classic CrossFit
Finals for top 5 in each divisions
Workouts are designed so everyone can do them. Yes, even the Firebreather division. The divisions are mostly there to have athletes with similar fitness levels and age together. The true challenge lies in the completion of the event, not in your rank or how you compare with others. Now, get your partner and sign up today!
The snatch
30 power snatch + snatch balance 45/35 (barbell only)
Note: Start from the ground, build to max
Note: Short version, approx 10-12min
Weightlifting W2D1
Power snatch
Note: Start at 50% of your max and build for a heavy triple. Drops or touch and go
Front squats
Note: Start at 50% of your max and build to max
Floater 1:
4 rounds for time:
250m swim
2min rest between rounds
Floater 2:
For time:
100 thrusters 95/65
Acc work
8-10 Strict False Grip Pullup
15-20 Hollowrock
10 Single Arm DB Row
Accumulate 2 minutes in the hanging L-sit position
10 Pistols (or find a challenging scale)
5 Strict Handstand Pushups
4 Farmers Walks up the Hill (this is meant to challenge grip strength more than anything)
10-12 Romanian Deadlift
Max Rope Pullups for 30 seconds, rest 90 seconds. X4 ( alternate which arm is above the other each round)
Crossover symmetry W/Y/T
10-15 Weighted GHD situps
Finisher: 100 push ups for time (This should be between 5-8 minutes, so scale accordingly)
Monday June 25th
Accessory work for all
8-10 Strict False Grip Pullup
15-20 Hollow rock
10 ring Single Arm DB Row
Accumulate 2 minutes in the hanging L-sit position
Split jerk
30 barbell split jerks 45/35
Note: Deliberate practice. Make each rep like you’re going for a PR
5min AMRAP
8 dumbell snatch 50/35
8 toes to bar
2min rest
5min AMRAP
8 dumbell clean and jerk (4 per side)
8 knees to elbows
Note: The accessory work series adds a lot of value to your general fitness and conditioning. Crucial to reinforce joints, tendons, build muscle endurance and help avoiding unnecessary injuries. Today we decided to get everyone a taste for it in hopes to create awareness of the program and have more people doing it. The program for the week is posted every week on Sundays. There is a program for Monday, Wednesday and Friday. This extra additional work on top of the regular programming can be done on your own, before or after classes or open gym times. If you’re not sure what the movements are, ask your coach. Also, as any workouts you perform at Pyro, scale accordingly. Tuesday will be ROMWOD for everyone
Team Pyro Firebreathers decimated the “21 girls benchmark relay” challenge. Total time of 05:35:07 Rx
Pyromania III is right around the corner, just about 4 weeks away. 23 teams registered so far. This is going to be epic!!! Sign up today
Track workout at the Foothills athletic park, Sunday July 8th at 12pm followed by an hour of beach volleyball and spikeball. Free of charge, it’s on us, just show up and get fitter!!
For time:
Buy in: 25 cals bike
5 rounds:
10 bar facing burpees
10 thrusters 115/85
10 back squats 115/85
Buy out: 25 cals row
Note: Back squats are from the ground. Ideally you want to do your last thruster and then back rack the bar for the back squats.
Team Pyro Firebreathers is competing in the “21 girls benchmark” competition at CrossFit Sunalta starting at 8am. 7 of us will tackle 21 workouts Rx with a timecap of 8 hours. Each athlete has to perform 3 workouts. Come and cheers us on. Pyro apparel not a requirement but strongly recommended haha
“The ultimate TRIFECTA”
20min AMRAP
5 pull ups
10 push ups
15 squats
Clean and Jerk
Touch and go at floor only. Even a re-grip off the floor is a foul. No dumping. Use same load for each set. Rest as needed between sets
Accumulate 2min of paralette L-sit hold
Watch the link video, really good demonstration of what the intent of the workout is
For time:
Double unders
sit ups
For time:
Double unders
GHD sit ups
Note: Double unders must be unbroken or you have to start your set over
Saturday June 24th is the last of the 2018 Darren L. challenge. You must get your weigh in and measurements on that day. We’ll be open form 9am to 12pm, please try to make it during those times
Team Pyro Firebreathers will be at CrossFit Sunalta for the “21 girls benchmark” competition. Come and cheers us on.
The weather is supposed to be crappy tomorrow so we’ll have 2 options.
Option 1:
6 rounds for time:
1 hill sprint
12 push press 95/65
*If you have a weight vest, wear it*
**If you don’t have a weight vest, grab a sandbag for the hill sprint**
Option 2:
6 rounds for time:
100ft walking lunges (25ftx4)
20 step ups 24/20
12 push press 95/65
*If you have a weight vest, wear it*
**If you don’t have a weight vest, grab a sandbag for the lunges and the step ups**
Note: Only go for option 2 if you can’t run and/or if the weather is really, really, really bad…Like there’s a tornado or a hurricane kinda thing
ROMWOD or at the coach’s discretion