Monday June 25th
Accessory work for all

8-10 Strict False Grip Pullup
15-20 Hollow rock
10 ring Single Arm DB Row

Accumulate 2 minutes in the hanging L-sit position

Split jerk
30 barbell split jerks 45/35

Note: Deliberate practice. Make each rep like you’re going for a PR


5min AMRAP
8 dumbell snatch 50/35
8 toes to bar

2min rest

5min AMRAP
8 dumbell clean and jerk (4 per side)
8 knees to elbows

Note: The accessory work series adds a lot of value to your general fitness and conditioning. Crucial to reinforce joints, tendons, build muscle endurance and help avoiding unnecessary injuries. Today we decided to get everyone a taste for it in hopes to create awareness of the program and have more people doing it. The program for the week is posted every week on Sundays. There is a program for Monday, Wednesday and Friday. This extra additional work on top of the regular programming can be done on your own, before or after classes or open gym times. If you’re not sure what the movements are, ask your coach. Also, as any workouts you perform at Pyro, scale accordingly. Tuesday will be ROMWOD for everyone

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