Pyromania III registration is in full effect, find your partner and register today! 16 teams in so far and way more confirmed that have yet to register. If you like training at Pyro, you will love Pyromania III. This is the ultimate fitness festival, there will be running, swimming, Injanation, classic CrossFit workouts, for absolutely everyone, workouts are designed so everyone can do them regardless of your fitness level. You’ll get Pyro swags and an awesome Pyromania tshirt. Professional photographer, videographer, massage therapist, chiropractors, food, drinks, games…seriously, you don’t want to miss it. Here’s the link to sign up:

Also, we’ll need your help. Judges, helpers, score keepers and just manpower to help with the event in general. You can volunteer and participate at the same time as well.

This week is the last week of the hatch squats and weightlifting cycles. We tested our back squat already within the cycle at 103%, we’ll be testing the snatch Tuesday, clean and jerk Thursday and front squat will be next week. The next weightlifting cycle start immediately after for 6 weeks.


3 rounds for reps:

1min deadlifts 275/185
1min box jumps 24/20
1min handstand push ups
1min wall balls 20/14
1min toes to bar

1min rest between rounds

Score is total reps for all 3 rounds combined

Scale options:
deadlifts 225/155
step ups
push ups
wall balls 14/10
knee raises

Note: Like any other workouts, scale as needed. The scale option is great but adapt accordingly. You should be able to perform 15 to 20 reps of each movements per minute, depending on the movements and rounds. Chances are, you will do less reps per minute on the third for example.

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