Join us tonight for our intro to CrossFit session at 7pm. Everybody welcome, non members and current members. Tell your friends, family and coworkers, this is going to be informative, lots of moving around and we get to do a workout. Here’s what to expect in the 1 hour session:

What is CrossFit
Origin of CrossFit
The CrossFit methodology
Workout demo
Pyro intro workout
Cool down and questions

The snatch



For time:

30 snatch

Note: We’ve been working on this for the last 3 weeks, time to shine. Last time we did “ISABEL” was Saturday January 6th 2018 in the Firebreather class

Scaled: 95/65
Rx: 135/95
Unpleasant: 165/115
Nightmare: 185/135
Legendary: 205/145


Weightlifting W11D1

Power snatch


Hatch W11D1
Back squat
1*5 60%
1*3 70%
1*2 80%
1*2 90%
1*1 95%
1*1 103%

Front squat
1*5 60%
1*5 70%
1*5 75%
1*5 75%

Both the weightlifting and the hatch squat cycle are 2 weeks away from being complete. Today is the day that you test your back squat, if you followed the program completely, you should have no problem getting that 103%. If you feel good at 103%, go for it and try for more. PR city!! We’ll be testing the snatch and clean and jerk next week. New cycle starts right after.

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