5 rounds for time:

400m run
30ft handstand walk
6 clusters

Firebreather levels:
White: 30 inverted hand release, 95/65
Silver: 30 inverted shoulder taps, 115/85
Gold: 10ft increments, 135/95
Legendary: Unbroken, 165/115

Note: A cluster is a squat clean to a press. No jerks allowed.

Pyro ladies night out: Sat May 26th at 6pm

“MURPH” hero workout: Sun May 27th

CrossFit Pyro at Injanation: Fri June 8th at 6pm


5 sets
Every 60 seconds
Max unbroken power snatch 135/95


For time:
Med ball cleans 20/14
Abmat sit ups

Weightlifting W9D1

Power snatch 2-2-2-2

Snatch 2-2-2-2

Hatch squat W9D1

Back squats
5 @65
3×5 @75

Front squats
4×5 @65

Classes at 9/10 and 11

Ladies night out is this Saturday, May 26th at 6pm

Hero workout “MURPH” is Sunday May 27th, special Firebreather class at 0630 and regular classes at 9/10 and 11. Get your weight vest ready!!

The CrossFit games Regionals at CrossFit Pyro is the weekend of June 1st to June 3rd. Different workouts for morning and afternoon classes. Want to step your game up? Can you do both workouts everyday for 3 days? 6 workouts total. It doesn’t matter how you perform the workouts and how you scale, the true challenge is to do them.

Have you signed up for Pyromania III yet?


25min AMRAP

11 chest to bar pull ups
2 deadlifts 315/215
10 handstand push ups

U.S. Marine Corps First Lieutenant James R. Zimmerman, 25, of Aroostook, Maine, assigned to 2nd Battalion, 6th Marine Regiment, 2nd Marine Division, II Marine Expeditionary Force, based in Camp Lejeune, North Carolina, died on November 2, 2010, while conducting combat operations in Helmand province, Afghanistan. He is survived by his wife Lynel Winters, parents Tom and Jane, sister Megan, and brother Christian.

Victoria Day hours: 9/10 and 11

Team of 3

For time:

10 rounds each

Row 250m/200m

Penalty of 1 power clean per seconds over 45 seconds

Bar at 135/95

Note: 1 partner works at a time while the 2 others rest. Row 250m for men, 200m for women as fast as you can. If you fall over 45 seconds to complete the distance, perform 1 power clean for each second over.

Spicy scale: 8 out of 10

5x rounds for reps:
2min per rounds
1min rest between rounds

1 hill sprint
Max D-ball cleans 100/70

Score is total D-ball cleans for all 5 rounds

Note: Each round is 2min. 1 hill sprint and then perform as many D-ball cleans as possible with the remaining time


“Trifecta goodness”



5 sets

Iron cross hold

10min EMOM

4/3 muscle ups

5 rounds not for time:

10 pistols
20 ft handstand walk

5 rounds not for time:

5 L-pull ups
5 strict handstand push ups


5 sets
1 snatch + 2 overhead squats

5 sets
2 cleans + 1 jerk

Acc work:
5 sets
Bodyweight bench press max reps



5 rounds for time:

400m run
30 box jumps 24/20
30 wall balls 20/14

Reminder: Ladies night is Saturday May 26th at 6pm

Checking in: How’s your first couple days of the Darren L. challenge going? If you need anything, tips, information or just help in general make sure that you ask.

“Part II”

**With the same weight that you used for your cleans on Monday (50% of your 1RM deadlift)**

For time:

15 jerks
45 pull ups
12 jerks
36 pull ups
9 jerks
27 pull ups

Note: Jerks can be done from the rack, jerk boxes or the ground. This is going to be deadly

Mark your calendar:
“Murph” hero workout Sunday may 27th, Firebreathers at 6:30am, regular classes at 9/10 and 11
Regionals at CrossFit Pyro the weekend of June 1st to June 3rd. 2 workouts a day (there will be a different workout for the morning and for the afternoon/night), scaled and Rx options available. Anyone can do this, it will be part of our programming anyway
CrossFit Pyro at InjaNation Friday June 8th at 6pm, 20$ per person payable on location (what if there is a Injanation parkour event at Pyromania III!!!)
Pyromania III, July 20th, 21st and 22nd, register at www.eventbrite.ca

The 2018 New Pyro headbands have been ordered, only 12 coming in so if you want yours, put your name down on the order sheet. 6 gone already. 20$ each


5 sets
Every 90sec

Max unbroken clean and jerks 135/95

Note: Same as with the Snatch this week and last week, aim for at least 6 reps, touch and go on the ground


12min AMRAP

6 toes to bar
6 overhead squats 135/95
6 bar facing burpees

Weightlifting W8D2

5 sets
1 muscle clean + 1 press

5 sets
1 power clean + 1 jerk

Hatch W8D2
Back squats
2*5 65%
3*5 70%

Front squats
4*5 60%

We’ll be doing the Hero workout “MURPH” on Sunday May 27th

Firebreather class at 6:30am

Classes at 9,10 and 11


For time:
1 mile Run
100 Pull-ups
200 Push-ups
300 Squats
1 mile Run

In memory of Navy Lieutenant Michael Murphy, 29, of Patchogue, N.Y., who was killed in Afghanistan June 28th, 2005.

This workout was one of Mike’s favorites and he’d named it “Body Armor”. From here on it will be referred to as “Murph” in honor of the focused warrior and great American who wanted nothing more in life than to serve this great country and the beautiful people who make it what it is.

Partition the pull-ups, push-ups, and squats as needed. Start and finish with a mile run. If you’ve got a twenty pound vest or body armor, wear it.

Did you know that Pyromania III is going to be the most epic fitness event in North America? Don’t believe us? You can sign up at the link below and find out:

But seriously, you totally should sign up, like right now!!


5 rounds for time:

400m run
3 rope climbs
60 double unders

White: 1 rope climb, 20 double unders
Silver: 2 rope climbs, 40 double unders
Gold: 3 rope climbs, 60 double unders
Legendary: 3 shorty rope climbs, 60 double unders (unbroken)

Note: For the Legendary version, shorty rope climbs means that you will only be able to lock in your feet past the mark (set just above the athletes height). Double unders have to be unbroken, if you break or trip you have to restart your set at zero. It’s not called Legendary for nothing

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