Hello Pyromanians,

Summer is here, the weather is nice, vacation is upon us. Time to enjoy some outdoor activities and chill. But what about working out at the gym? Well, as you probably know, attendance is way down these last couple days. The workouts are there, the coaching is top notch and we’ve added lots of running so we can enjoy the nice weather. We know it’s way more appealing to go have a nice refreshing drink with a couple friends than crushing a 30min chipper in 25+ degrees weather. Well, is it? Or can it be both? One of our primary tasks is to motivate you, to help you achieve your goals, to guide you in the right direction. We’re also here to remind you that you are not at your destination yet. Being active, staying healthy doesn’t stop because it’s nice out. Being healthy is about lifestyle and habits. If coming to the gym these days requires you to get out of your way to make it happen, that’s exactly why you should do it. We’re definitely not here to tell anyone how to live their lives, we’re here to help you develop that good lifestyle and habits. This whole fitness and training thing doesn’t have to be an obsession, it has to be balanced within everything else, family, hobbies, work, rest and having fun. There’s no way, no way you don’t have one hour in your day to make it happen. There’s no such thing as no time. Only priorities. Between 6am and 9pm, there are many opportunities to come by. Being tired is a mindset, there’s no way work can make you so tired that you can’t workout and do something for yourself. The big separator these days is between those that keep coming, focus on their goals and those that took it easy or just stopped. Now, we have a great end of the week ahead of us, get to the gym. Let’s do this!!

We’ll be tackling all the Regionals workouts this weekend. We’ve added an extra class at noon Saturday and Sunday to accommodate the awesomeness.
Here’s how it’s gonna look like:

Friday: 6/930/1030/12 Triple 3
5/6/7/8 Linda
Saturday: 9 and 10 Muscle ups, handstand walk and pistols
11 and 12 Snatch and burpees
**No trifecta Saturday**
Sunday 9 and 10 Chipper
11 and 12 Rope climbs and thrusters

All the workouts are time capped and depending on how many you are coming (everybody should do this) we’ll be doing multiple heats. Also, depending on the scales and modifications, we should be able to accommodate more athletes simultaneous. Don’t get caught up on the workouts as prescribed, scale as needed. It’s just fitness, do the best of your ability. For those seeking a competitive edge, there’s no way around it, if you want to compete with the best or be like the best, you have to be able to do what the best do. If you want to win, you have to do better than the best and train more. If you can’t do what they do now, get after it!

The last day to order any Pyro apparels is Friday June 8th. The order sheet is by the white board.

Pyro at Injanation is Friday June 8th at 6pm. Reminder that there will be no classes that night


5 sets
Every 45sec
Max unbroken power clean and jerk 135/95

Note: Pick a weight that will allow you to do at least 5 reps touch and go


5 rounds for time:

6 overhead squats 135/95
12 chest to bar pull ups

Rx+ 155/105

Weightlifting W10D2

5 sets
1 power clean + 1 push jerk

5 sets
1 squat clean + 1 split jerk

Hatch squats W10D2

Back squats

Front squats

For time:

600m swim

Injanation Friday June 8th at 6pm. There will be no classes at Pyro. Just show up there, no reservation needed, payable on site. 20$ for 1 hour. See you all there.

For time:

25 burpees (Open standards)
50 box jumps 30/24
100 wall balls 20/14
200 double unders
400m run with med ball 20/14

New set of fundamentals:

Intro to CrossFit Tuesday June 5th 7pm
9 fundamental movements Tuesday June 12th 7pm
Gymnastics Tuesday June 19th 7pm
Olympic weightlifting Tuesday June 26th 7pm

Each session is 1 hour. Intro to CrossFit is for non-members, you get to learn all about CrossFit, its origin, the methodology, scaling, the intro workout and everything in between. Tell your friends and family.

The 9 fundamental movements, gymnastics and Olympic weightlifting is for current members. It is included in your membership and we strongly recommend that you take it.


5 sets
Every 45 seconds
Max unbroken power snatch 135/95


5 rounds for time:

6 thrusters 135/95
12 knees to elbows

Rx+ 155/105

Weightlifting W10D1

Power snatch


Hatch W10D2

Back squats

Front squats

2 more weeks, hang tight. We’re almost there. Testing on week 13 then new Oly lift cycle. Short one this time

ROMWOD at 8pm every night of the week starting today. Are you ready to get “swole and flexy”? The sessions will be approximately 20min and offers new routines everyday. Thursdays are about 40min. This is guarantee to increase your general range of motion (lower body and upper body), increase strength (yes, increase strength) and dramatically reduce the possibility of getting injuries. Maintenance and mobility is a key component of health, wellness and fitness, it simply cannot be overlooked. It must be done. Since today is our 1st official session, it would be nice to have a lot of you taking part. ROMWOD classes have been added to the RhinoFit calendar. Like any classes, try your best to reserve. The ROMWODs will be done in the dojo and the coach on duty can get it started for you. Let’s do this!

Memorial day hero wod


For time:
21 Turkish get-ups, Right arm
50 Swings
21 Overhead squats, Left arm
50 Swings
21 Overhead squats, Right arm
50 Swings
21 Turkish get-ups, Left arm

Kettlebell at 70/53

Los Angeles County Fire Fighter Specialist Arnaldo “Arnie” Quinones, 34, was killed in the line of duty on Sunday, August 30, 2009 during the Station Fire. His emergency response vehicle went over the side of the road and fell 800 feet into a steep canyon during fire suppression activities protecting Camp 16 outside the City of Palmdale, CA. He is survived by his wife Lori and daughter Sophia Grace, born three weeks after his death.

Note: This workout will be extremely challenging, please scale the weight and the volume accordingly. This should take approximately 30min+

As posted by crossfit.com, there is a total of 193 hero workouts. For those looking at getting the Legendary badge one day, just so you know and good luck!

“MURPH”, one of the most iconic CrossFit workout. Challenge yourself and give it all.

In memory of Navy Lieutenant Michael Murphy, 29, of Patchogue, N.Y., who was killed in Afghanistan June 28th, 2005.

This workout was one of Mike’s favorites and he’d named it “Body Armor”. From here on it will be referred to as “Murph” in honor of the focused warrior and great American who wanted nothing more in life than to serve this great country and the beautiful people who make it what it is.

Partition the pull-ups, push-ups, and squats as needed. Start and finish with a mile run. If you’ve got a twenty pound vest or body armor, wear it.


For time:

1mile run

100 pull ups
200 push ups
300 squats

1mile run

Scaled: Perform the 1 mile run at the start and the end but do 3/4 or 1/2 volume, no weight vest
Rx: With the weight vest, partition as needed
Legendary Firebreather: 2016 games version, 5 rounds, perform your push ups and squats at different station each round, weight vest on

Pyro ladies night is tonight at 6pm!!!

CrossFit Pyro is proud to announce the ultimate partnership with @injanation for our upcoming 3rd annual fitness festival, Pyromania III. The military parkour circuit will be our Sunday morning event for all teams. All athletes will come to Injanation for 730am Sunday July 22nd and perform the circuit as part of the competition. NO EXTRA FEES, obviously! Also, every athletes will get a special promo code to go at Injanation prior to the event and practice the circuit at a discount. Everybody can do it! This is going to be EPIC!!! More info on all the events incoming. Find a partner and sign up today!!



5 sets
1 tricep push up
1 pike slide to headstand
2 strict handstand push ups

*Add 1 rep of each after each cycle*


For time:
Ring dips
Toes to bar or GHD sit ups


5 sets
1 snatch high pull
1 hang squat snatch
1 overhead squat

5 sets
1 clean high pull
1 hang squat clean
1 jerk

Acc work
5×5 bench press




5 rounds for time:
400m run
15 overhead squats 95/65

Absolutely humongous announcement regarding Pyromania III tomorrow, this is going to be EPIC! Stay tuned!

The Apparel order deadline is Friday June 1st. The order sheet is by the whiteboard. We won’t be doing an order for a while so if you want something, now is the time.

Time to run some Fundamentals, tell your friends, family and coworkers:
Intro to CrossFit: Tuesday June 5th at 7pm
9 Fundamental movements: Tuesday June 12th at 7pm
Gymnastics: Tuesday June 19th at 7pm
Olympic weightlifting: Tuesday June 26th at 7pm

Fundamentals are for both new members and current members, if you haven’t taken them, we strongly recommend it


On a continuous 20min running clock


7 rep max front squat, from the ground


1 squat clean
2 ring muscle ups
30 double unders

**Bar at 80% of your 7 rep max front squats**

Max rep wall balls 24/20

Score is: Max load for the 7 rep front squats + reps in the AMRAP + wall balls combined
Example: 225 (7 rep front squats) + 165 (5 rounds in the AMRAP) + 55 wall balls = 445

Scale option:
Front squat stay the same
1 pull up
2 squat cleans @70%
30 single unders or 30 jumping jacks
Wall balls, scale the weight or the height of the target

Starting next Monday, we’ll be offering ROMWODs every night at 8pm. We have everything setup with a big screen in the Dojo. We’ll be running the long versions, approximately 20-25min and sometimes 40min. Maintenance and Mobility is a crucial part of fitness, health and wellness. It is a must, there is no way around it. This is obviously free of charge to all members. We do have mats for you to use but we recommend that you bring your own. We hope that many of you will come together and take advantage of it.

CrossFit Pyro at Injanation Friday June 8th @6pm. There will be no classes that night as everyone should play together. 20$ per person, payable on site. No need to reserve, all you need to do is show up

Community is a huge part of what makes CrossFit Pyro so unique. Here are multiple ways you can stay connected:
Official facebook page, just give us a like
Official Instagram page
Facebook community group (search CrossFit Pyro community and ask to join)
All upcoming events are on the white board, top right corner, make sure to have a look
And, the best way to be part of the community, is simply to be there! Come to the gym and take part in all of our events


5min EMOM
Max unbroken clean and jerks 135/95

Precisely 5min after

For time:
Dumbell power snatch 50/35
10 burpee box jump overs 24/20

Note: Dumbbell snatch are alternating. Box facing for the burpees. Very similar to 17.1 but not quite

Weightlifting W9D2

5 sets
2 squat cleans + 2 jerks

Note: Perform 2 cleans, drop allowed, then at your 2nd clean, perform 2 jerks. Build to max

Hatch squats W9D2

Back squats

Front squats

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