For time:

Swim 50m
rest 1min
Swim 100m
rest 1min
Swim 150m
Rest 1min
Swim 200m

Score is total time after the last 200m

Note: Essentially you’re doing a 500m swim interval. This will allow you to swim each segment faster. Increasing your capacity at swimming faster and be more efficient

Hint: There might be a 500m swim at Pyromania…just saying

The 2018 Darren L. challenge is officially starting today. Let’s do this!

New Pyro headbands coming up. Make sure to put your name down on the order sheet if you want one. 25$+tx

“Part I”

15min to find your 1 rep max deadlift

5min rest


with 50% of your 1 rep max deadlift

15 cleans for time
3min rest
12 cleans for time
3min rest
9 cleans for time

Note: Power cleans or squat cleans, get the bar from the ground to shoulders, finish at full extension

Score is 1 rep max deadlift, all the round time separates and if you used exactly 50% of your max deadlift you get Rx. If you did all the proper ROM as well

Part II will be Friday, using the same 50% of your 1 rep max but with a different workout and movements.

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