Hello Pyromanians, our friends at CrossFit Sunalta are putting an interesting little competition on Saturday June 23rd. The idea is to form a team of 7 and tackle all, I say again ALL benchmark workouts back to back with a timecap of 9 hours. The teams can be any combinations of male/female and we get to decide who does which workouts. Each team member have to do 3 workouts. There will be Rx and scaled divisions. The order of the workouts will be announced prior to the event so we can plan ahead. This is a really cool idea. It ties in with our Firebreather program very well. It’s a great opportunity to support other boxes in town and develop team work within our community. Pyro Firebreathers is already signed up. 60$ per person and you get a tshirt. Each member of the team have to sign up individually. Let’s smash this!!! #PYROSTRONG

You can sign up here:

Gymnastics conditioning
10min EMOM alt minute

Max Paralette L-sit hold
3-5 ice cream makers

Note: Hold the Paralette L-sit position for as long as you can for 1min, multiple sets allowed. Ice cream makers are great to develop upper body strength and the transition for the muscle up. Do 3 to 5 reps in the minute, depending on your ability


6min AMRAP

1 legless rope climb (start seated on the ground, no jump)
8 dumbbell hang power clean and jerk 50/35

Weightlifting W6D2

Hip clean + push press

Hang clean + push jerk

Clean and jerk

Note: 20min for this part

Hatch squat W6D2
Back squats
1*4 75%
1*4 80%
1*4 80%
1*4 80%

Front squats
1*5 60%
1*5 65%
1*5 70%
1*5 70%

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