Partner edition

For time:

30 muscle ups
3min rest
30 power cleans
3min rest
30 bench press
3min rest
30 box jumps

Rx Pull ups/ bar at 135/95/ box at 30/24
Rx+ Bar muscle ups/ bar at 185/115/ box at 36/30
Legendary Ring muscle ups/ bar at 225/155/ box at 40/34

Note: This is a Pyro original way back from the garage days at Free Radical Box, January 20th 2016. The workout was individual and the bar at bodyweight.

White Firebreather testing at 11. Try to arrive ahead of time to warm up, we’ll start the evaluation right at 11. Each athlete will have an evaluation sheet with the requirements listed. Those successful will receive the white Firebreather badge of honor.
White Firebreather requirements:
Snatch 50% bodyweight
Clean and jerk 70% bodyweight
1 pull up
1 push up
1 rope climb
10 unbroken double unders
5k run

Good luck!


10min inversion work
Handstand hold or handstand walk

Strict muscle ups
Kipping muscle ups

Accumulate 2min of:
Bottom dip hold
False grip ring hold

Snatch balance

Hip clean

Split feet jerk

White Firebreather testing 30min


20min AMRAP

1 rope climb
400m run
Max rep handstand push ups

Score is total handstand push ups

Officer David S. Moore, 29, of the Indianapolis Metropolitan Police Department, died on January 26, 2011 from gunshot wounds suffered on January 23, 2011 when he stopped a stolen vehicle and the driver opened fire at him. He is survived by his mother Jo Ann, father Spencer, and sister Carol Bongfeldt.

Do you have what it takes to be a Pyro white Firebreather? Join us Saturday at 11am for a special “testing” session. Those successful will receive the white Firebreather badge of honor.

White Firebreather requirements:
Snatch, 50% of body weight
Clean and jerk, 70% body weight

CrossFit Movements:
1 pull up
1 push up
1 rope climb
10 unbroken double unders

Complete a 5K run

We won’t be testing the 5k run on Saturday

Friday the 13th

13min to find your 3 rep max deadlifts

Note: Reps have to be touch and go. Any re-grip or stop on the ground is a no rep. Tap and go only

5min rest

13min AMRAP

13 bar facing burpees
13 deadlifts @bodyweight
13 toes to bar

Score is your 3 rep max deadlifts + reps in the metcon combined

You have until Saturday April 14th to register for the Festivus Games. 51 athletes are in so far. It’s gonna be so much fun, do it!!


For time:


Hang power cleans
Strict pull ups

Ladder: 95/65 115/85 135/95 155/105 185/125 205/135

Weightlifting W3D2

Clean and jerk

Note: Squat cleans

Hatch squat W3D2

Back squats
1*10 60%
1*10 65%
1*8 70%
1*8 75%

Front squats
1*5 60%
1*5 65%
1*5 70%
1*5 70%

Picture: Humboldt Broncos memorial wod 6pm class

There’s still time to sign up for the Festivus Games. Let’s do this!!



Tall jerk

Note: This is a technique drill. Really effective in building speed under the bar, foot work and stability on the catch


Note: Aim for 10 to 15% more than your push press from Monday.


8min AMRAP

10 dumbbell power snatch 50/35 alternating
6 burpee shuttle runs 25ft

Note: Each shuttle runs starts with a burpee. There will be a line on the ground, you must be facing the line when doing your burpee

As you all know, the Humboldt Hockey team got into a serious accident last Friday. 28 passengers were on board and 15 of them died in the accident when a truck T-boned their bus. This is a tragedy on many levels, for the survivors, for the parents, for the 1st responders and for everyone involved. CrossFit is about community, and it’s our time to come together and help. Today’s workout is all about the Broncos and everyone surrounding them. We hope that all of you, yes all of you will come to the gym today, do the workout and donate to the families. There are 2 ways you can donate, at the gym in cash or cheque and directly to the gofundmepage. If you donate on the gofundme page, we should all enter our name as CrossFit Pyro. All donations at the gym will go as a donation from CrossFit Pyro at the end of the day. Let’s make a difference together!

Here’s the link for the donations:


15 rounds for time:

4 squat cleans 135/95
6 pull ups
18 sit ups

Note: Please donate

15 fatalities
4 for April
6 for the day
18 for 2018

Weightlifting W3D1

Muscle snatch


Note: All squat snatch

Snatch pulls @110% of 1RM

Hatch squat W3D1
Back squats

Front squats

**New events**

Mark your calendar, 2 new events have been added

Saturday August 18th
MEC sprint triathlon
750m swim
20k bike
5k run

*Legendary Firebreather requirement*
Price: 35$
Register here:

Saturday August 25th
Pyro weightlifting meet
Weight classes (tba)
Official rule book
Judges with the lights (3 judges)
6 lifts (3 snatch, 3 clean and jerk)
Slow mo of your max snatch and clean and jerk hookgrip style
A massive olympic lifting platform will be built just for this
Prizes for the top lifters in each classes

Price: 25$
Registration will be live later this year
All the proceeds will go directly to the purchase of weightlifting equipment for the gym (new bars, plates and such)
The Pyro weightlifting program will tie in with this comp to maximize results

10min AMRAP

1mile run
Max cals bike

Note: Run 1mile, then do as many cals as possible on the air bike until you run out of time. If you can’t finish the mile under 10min, your score is zero

Coach note: Good luck

Picture: From the last Festivus games at Pyro, October 2017 (Photo by Leonora)

The deadline to register for the Festivus games is Saturday April 14th. Now, there are numerous reasons why you should sign up for it and why competing is good for you. We’ll just name 3. 1st, this is a competition hosted by your gym, most athletes are from Pyro, they are your friends, competing is fun and you get to do it with them. 2nd, competing will push you outside your comfort zone, that’s where the magic happen. It makes you accountable for your fitness. You might say “well, I don’t everyone to see how bad my fitness is”. That’s exactly why you should do it. We can say right now that your fitness is already better than everyone not doing it. As for those doing the competition, we can assure you that nobody will judge you and everybody will be happy that you’re doing the competition with them. 3rd, by registering, you’re supporting your gym. This will allow us to get more gear and equipment for you to use. So, recap, competing with your friends, you get better, nobody will judge you, everybody is happy that you’re competing, your gym gets more equipment. BOOM, WIN, WIN, WIN!! Let’s do this! Here’s the link to sign up:


Push press

Note: Build to your max


For time:

300 double unders

This is based on how many you can do consistently unbroken
5-10: 100
10-30: 200
30-50: 300

Rx+ every time you break, perform 5 burpees

7 days left to register for the Festivus games. This is a friendly competition for us, everybody welcome, any skill level. This is not for Rx or advanced athletes. Let’s do this! Here’s the link again:

Sunday fun day!

Partner up

For time:

1000m row
100 wall balls 24/20
50 power cleans 135/95
1000m row
50 shoulder to overhead 135/95
100 medball cleans 24/20
1000m row

Note: Only one partner works at a time, share the row and reps as needed. Male and female can form a team, just have 2 bars and 2 balls

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