AGOQ workout 3

20min AMRAP

50 wall balls 24/20
100 double unders
50ft handstand walk
100 double unders
50 cals row
100 double unders
50ft handstand walk
100 double unders

Score is total reps completed in 20min. If you complete all the reps, start a new round at the wall balls

Note: This is a tough workout, don’t let that get to you. There are many ways you can scale this, here’s a good one:

20min AMRAP

50 wall balls 24/20
100 single unders
50ft bear crawl
100 single unders
50 cals row
100 single unders
50ft bear crawl
100 single unders

Everybody did extremely well today. In fact, you did exponentially better than all of those that didn’t sign up so congratulations! Here are the final podium standings, we’ll be sharing the full leaderboard tomorrow

Masters female
1st place Carla D. (Pyro)

Masters male
1st place Brian M. (Pyro)
2nd place James W.

Novice female
1st place Bethany C.
2nd place Olivia K.
3rd place Sarah H.

Novice male
1st place Darren L. (Pyro)

Intermediate female
1st place Wendy S.
2nd place Dena M. (Pyro)
3rd place Jacee

Intermediate male
1st place Antonio L. (Pyro)
2nd place Derek W. (Pyro)
3rd place Adrian B. (Pyro)

The Festivus Games were EPIC! Congratulation to all the Pyro athletes, you guys did it! You went through 3 workouts, a floater workout and some of you even made the top 5 and did the final wod. We also managed to get some podium spots. So amazing!

Events like these are only possible because of you guys. Without the athletes, volunteers, helpers, people cheering, these events would be nothing. Just an empty space, you guys filled it with energy, everybody pushed hard and gave it all. Judging is not an easy tasks, you have to stay focus, reinforce standards, be willing to be that person that calls the no rep and have an athlete redo it, not easy at all. In fact, some people just straight out don’t want to do it. You guys stepped up to the plate and delivered. We did realized that some of you were feed up with it. We ran 10 heats through 3 workouts, that’s 30 workouts, then 50 athletes had to go through the floater, then we had the finals, it was a lot and thankfully we had you to help. We’re so grateful for our community to be like that. Many of you judged multiple heats, we had Bella and Andi looking after the scorekeeping (you guys did amazing), our coaches were there to help for everything (we have the best team out there), some of you were competing and judging, we could name all of you but in the end, you all helped and we’ll be forever grateful for it.

The event went smooth, no real hiccups, nothing major happened, no major injuries, couple tweaks here and there. Was it perfect? Some people just had a blast and that’s all that was needed. For us, there’s always lessons to be learned, things to improve and everything we do is giving us experience. From logistics, organization, equipment, timeframes, judging, we look at everything and we know we can do better. We’re always open to feedback so please, if you have any comments, good or bad, let us know.

A million thanks to Tyler to take pictures today. This is a big event for us and having moments like this immortalized in pictures is worth a lot. Looking forward to see those in the near future. Many of you took pictures today, make sure to send those our way so we can share them through our social media

Now that the Festivus Games is behind us, we can look forward to Pyromania III in July. This event is for us, by us. This is THE competition you don’t want to miss. We truly hope that all of you will do it. This is going to be the only true CrossFit competition that will test you on all aspect of fitness and for is everyone (we cannot stress this enough, FOR EVERYONE). For some reason, there is this belief out there that only the top athletes in the world can do competitions like this. The workouts are for everyone, EVERYONE and we’ll have multiple divisions so you get to pick who you want to compete with. This is a same sex partner competition, 3 days, there will be running, swimming, classic CrossFit, weightlifting and everything in between. More on Pyromania III very soon, be excited, be very excited!!! Registration is live:

Today is all about the Festivus Games. Doors open at 0730am, first heat at 0830am and podium at 4:15pm. 53 athletes, 6 divisions, 3 workouts, a floater workout and a final, 12 heats, this is going to be action packed. To all the athletes competing, good luck! To everybody else, make sure to swing by to cheer on the athletes.

To all Pyromanians not competing, we need your help, judging, moving equipment, assisting the athletes or basically, just having you around. Even if you just swing by for a couple minutes, that means the world to us


Calling all Pyromanians, as you already know, we’re hosting the Festivus Games this Saturday. Doors open at 730am, 1st heat at 830am and we should be done by 415pm. 53 athletes, 6 divisions, 4 workouts + a final, 12 heats per workout. That a lot of work and we need your help. Chances are we’ll have the bay doors open, we’ll have food, drinks, you’re going to be all your Pyro friends and athletes from other boxes, it’s gonna be a lot of fun. From all things, competing is about community, now is our time to shine. Even if you come just to hangout and judge one heat, that would mean a lot to us. A lot of you said you would help but we want to make sure that we can reach as many of you as possible. The more the better. See you all Saturday

This weekend is also the Age Group Online Qualifier (AGOQ) for the top 200 teens and masters. We’re are part of this massive team and we’re all in this together. The workouts are amazing, classic CrossFit workout, well thought out and elegant. Regardless if you qualified or not, these workouts are good for all of us and we’ll get better from it. We’ll be tackling workout 1 and 2 today, 3 on Sunday and 4 on Monday. BOOM!

There are other divisions as well, have a look at the link below, select your age group and check what the standards are for you if interested in going Rx

AGOQ workout 1

For time:

4 thrusters 135/95
1 rope climb
8 thrusters 135/95
2 rope climbs
12 thrusters 135/95
3 rope climbs

Teens: Bar at 95/65

Timecap: 10min
Score is time to complete. If you do not complete the workout, your score is your total reps at the timecap. Pro tip: the quicker you finish the workout, the more rest you get before the second workout

Rest 10min (the 10min rest start after the timecap)

AGOQ workout 2

4 rounds for time:

25 chest to bar pull ups
5 cleans 245/170

Teens: 155/105

Timecap: 15min
Score is time to complete. If you do not complete the workout, your score is your total reps at the timecap.

The Festivus Games athletes heat times sheet has been sent out, check your email inbox


Push Jerk


5 rounds for time:

5 squat snatch 135/95
5 muscle ups
5 box jumps 40/34

Weightlifting W4D2

Clean and jerk

Muscle clean + press

Power clean + push press

Note: Same as with Tuesday with the snatch, the goal is not to PR, do good working sets, keep it well below your max and use it as a warm up. Also, don’t spend too much time here.

Clean and jerk

Note: Touch and go or drops, your call. Again, same as Tuesday with the snatch, touch go to work on your barbell cycling and lighter loads or drops if you want to go heavier. Find the right balance before hitting the Hatch cycle

Hatch squat cycle W4D2

Back squats
1*8 65%
1*8 70%
1*6 80%
1*6 85%

Front squats
1*5 70%
1*5 75%
1*5 80%
1*5 85%

We’ll be posting the heat times for Festivus Games tomorrow morning.


10min EMOM alt min

30 double unders
10 toes to bar

WOD 3 – Thruster Mathelete

You choose the load: Max-rep thrusters in 30 seconds separated by 1 minute 30 seconds rest X 4

0-2:00 minutes
Load the bar, add safety clips, warmup and prep for the first :30 sec all out
Max thruster reps
Rest (load stays the same)
Max thruster reps
Rest (load stays the same)
Max thruster reps
Rest (load stays the same)
Max thruster reps

Note: Take the time to think this through. There’s little bit of a strategy here. Should you go lighter and do more reps or go heavier with less reps. It all depends on your capacity and recovery. Lighter will also allow you go faster. The Festivus Games is Saturday, this gives you a chance to test things out and see how it goes. Adapt accordingly.

Did you know that the Age Group Online Qualifier (AGOQ) starts this week? The Top 200 Teens and Masters in the respective age group will enter the next stage prior to the Games. The top 20 out of this competition goes to the CrossFit Games.


WOD 2 – Chip’n & Twist’n

In 15 minutes…

50 Dumbbell snatch alternating (50#/35#/35#/20#)
40 Plate-hop Burpees
30 Air squats
20 No-rock Hand-release Push-ups
10 Pull-ups (Intermediates) / Ring Rows (Novice/Masters)

Every minute on the minute, perform 8 plate hold russian twists

Plate-Hold Russian Twists
Intermediate Male: 25#
Intermediate Female: 15#
Novice/Masters Male: 15#
Novice/Masters Female: 10#

50 Dumbbell snatch alternating (50/35)
40 Box facing burpees 24/20
30 Dumbbell goblet squat 50/35
20 ring push ups
10 bar muscle ups

Every minute on the minute, perform 8 plate hold russian twists

Plate-Hold Russian Twists
Advanced Male: 45#
Advanced Female: 35#

Weightlifting W4D1

Snatch primer

Muscle snatch

Power snatch

Note: Keep both the muscle snatch and the power snatch fairly quick. Don’t go for a PR here, basically you’re getting a couple reps to get your ready for the snatch


Note: Touch and go or drops. Your call, whatever you want to work on. If you want to keep it lighter and work on your barbell cycling, go for it. If you want to go heavier and drops, all good. Let’s try to do this in 25min top, that would leave us more time for the hatch squat cycle after

Hatch squats W4D1
Back squats
1*8 65%
1*8 70%
1*6 80%
1*6 85%

Front squats
1*5 70%
1*5 75%
1*5 80%
1*5 85%

The Festivus Games is only a few days away. To all athletes coming to compete, please familiarize yourself with the workouts and standards. We will cover everything on site but there shouldn’t be any surprises.

In the spirit of the Festivus Games, we’ll be doing the all the Festivus Games this week. For those competing this weekend, give the workouts a try. For those not competing, the workouts are actually really good. They’re designed for novice and intermediate but we’ll also have a more advanced versions to accommodate everyone. This is going to be a good week.

There will be no classes on Saturday. Many of you will be there helping out and judging. With 25 athletes, 5 workouts, we don’t think we can have too much help. If you’re free on Saturday, come in to cheer the athletes and maybe help us out.

Strength (not in Festivus)

Shoulder press

Festivus Games
WOD 1 – Clean Lunges and Dirty Shoulders Alyse Jung
6-Minute AMRAP

Intermediates (115/85)
7 – Power Cleans
5 – Front-Rack Reverse Lunges
3 – Wall Walks

Novice/Masters (85/55)
7 – Power Cleans
5 – Front-Rack Reverse Lunges
3 – Shoulder to Overhead (S2OH)

Advanced (155/105)
7 – Power Cleans
5 – Front-Rack Reverse Lunges
3 – Strict handstand push ups

The Festivus Games is Saturday April 21st so this week’s floater wod is… the festivus games floater wod. For all of you competing, give it a test run and crush it Saturday. For those not competing, it’s a great little workout.

With a 3-minute Running Clock…

Part 1 – Max meters rowed in 1 minute
Part 2 – Max double unders (DUs) or single unders (SUs) (Athlete’s choice) with remaining time

The athlete will first perform the row. The judge will have the rower preset with 1:00 on the display so it counts down to zero for an exact meters rowed measurement. The athlete can choose any damper setting.

After completing maximum meters rowed in 1 minute the athlete will perform either double unders or single unders. It’s the athlete’s choice. However, the athlete must declare to the judge which style they are choosing and only that style reps will count toward the score. Also, single unders will be rounded up to the nearest even number and then divided by 2.
Example – Athlete does 123 SUs. Round up to 124. Divide by 2. Score=62

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