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Push Jerk


5 rounds for time:

5 squat snatch 135/95
5 muscle ups
5 box jumps 40/34

Weightlifting W4D2

Clean and jerk

Muscle clean + press

Power clean + push press

Note: Same as with Tuesday with the snatch, the goal is not to PR, do good working sets, keep it well below your max and use it as a warm up. Also, don’t spend too much time here.

Clean and jerk

Note: Touch and go or drops, your call. Again, same as Tuesday with the snatch, touch go to work on your barbell cycling and lighter loads or drops if you want to go heavier. Find the right balance before hitting the Hatch cycle

Hatch squat cycle W4D2

Back squats
1*8 65%
1*8 70%
1*6 80%
1*6 85%

Front squats
1*5 70%
1*5 75%
1*5 80%
1*5 85%

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