The Festivus Games is Saturday April 21st so this week’s floater wod is… the festivus games floater wod. For all of you competing, give it a test run and crush it Saturday. For those not competing, it’s a great little workout.

With a 3-minute Running Clock…

Part 1 – Max meters rowed in 1 minute
Part 2 – Max double unders (DUs) or single unders (SUs) (Athlete’s choice) with remaining time

The athlete will first perform the row. The judge will have the rower preset with 1:00 on the display so it counts down to zero for an exact meters rowed measurement. The athlete can choose any damper setting.

After completing maximum meters rowed in 1 minute the athlete will perform either double unders or single unders. It’s the athlete’s choice. However, the athlete must declare to the judge which style they are choosing and only that style reps will count toward the score. Also, single unders will be rounded up to the nearest even number and then divided by 2.
Example – Athlete does 123 SUs. Round up to 124. Divide by 2. Score=62


Partner edition

For time:

30 muscle ups
3min rest
30 power cleans
3min rest
30 bench press
3min rest
30 box jumps

Rx Pull ups/ bar at 135/95/ box at 30/24
Rx+ Bar muscle ups/ bar at 185/115/ box at 36/30
Legendary Ring muscle ups/ bar at 225/155/ box at 40/34

Note: This is a Pyro original way back from the garage days at Free Radical Box, January 20th 2016. The workout was individual and the bar at bodyweight.

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