Tonight we’d like to recognize a true Firebreather. Darren Lee has been with Pyro for just about a year. You can see him a different times, 6am, 5pm weightlifting and weekend. Over the last couple weeks, he decided to step his game up and be accountable for his efforts. His goal was to come to Pyro 36 times before the Festivus games April 14th and loose 12lbs. With an average of 7 workouts per week, sometimes coming twice a day, Darren is crushing his goal right now. This is pure will power and this should be an example for all of us. Here is the determination of a man that cannot be stopped. This is not just sunshine and rainbows, Darren pushes really hard in every workout. This is not just about showing up and putting time, he’s putting quality time to it. We’re truly impressed by your efforts and we hope that others will follow your example. See you tomorrow for the squat cycle

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