28 athletes registered for the Festivus games at Pyro Saturday April 21st. Register before February 28th and you get your free Festivus games comp tshirt. We need more athletes in the male/novice and masters for both male and female divisions. We know there’s a lot going on, the Open starts next week, Pyromania III tickets are live and we just did the western classic. Competing is fun, this is why so many people are doing it, the Festivus games is true competition for everyone. You should totally do it. Not sure what it is, click on the link below to find out:
Register here:

Athlete Registration


8min AMRAP

2 handstand push ups
2 pistols
30 double unders

Add 2 reps of handstand push ups and pistols every rounds

4min rest

8min AMRAP

2 shoulder to overhead 115/85
2 front squats 115/85
10 bar facing burpees

Add 2 reps of shoulder to overhead and front squats every rounds

Score is total reps for both AMRAPs together

Scale options:
Handstand push ups for push ups
Pistols for box step ups or air squats
Double unders for single unders
Shoulder to overhead and front squat, pick a weight that’s appropriate for you

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