Exactly 1 week away from now, the 1st workout for the Open will be announced. Come and watch the live announcement at 6pm and then stay to watch Coach Dave and Coach Em going head to head for the ultimate showdown. There will be heat times for you to do the workout as well. Sign up sheet for week one will be posted tomorrow at the box. Make sure to register for your heat time ahead and remember the rule, if somebody judge you, you must judge somebody in return. We’re now at 49 of us registered for the Open, there’s still many of you left still to sign up!! What are you waiting for? There’s no such thing as not being good enough, the real challenge lies in signing up and doing it, this is NOT about your rank on the leaderboard. Can we get 60 of us doing it? Register here:



Note: From the rack, push jerk or split jerk. Build to max but don’t take it easy on the 5s and 3s just to have a good single. It’s also about building strength


For time:
GHD sit ups or toes to bar
Power snatch 75/55

Note: If you can’t do a full range of motion GHD sit ups or toes to bar, go with regular sit ups or knee raises. You should be able to chain together 5 to 10 GHD sit ups or toes to bar to do this Rx. Not a high volume workout by any means but still 60 reps of each. This workout is meant to be fast, 5-10min top


Clean and jerk primer

Muscle clean 5×1
Power clean 5×1
High hang clean 5×1
Hang clean 5×1
Jerk 5×1 (from the rack)
Overhead squat 5×5

Note: Same as last week, focus on technique, getting under the bar and foot work. If you’re doing both the weightlifting and the regular prog, do a mix of push jerk and split jerk

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