5 rounds for time:

10 cals bike

10 wall balls 30/20

You still have until 6pm to perform and submit your scores for the liftoff lifts and the workout. Congrats to all the athletes that came this weekend, awesome performance from everybody and there was lots of PRs. For those that still wish to do it, we can accommodate throughout the day. Show up to any of the classes before 6pm. Preferably in open gym between 1030am and 1200pm. #noexcuses

Christmas party is Saturday December 9th at Andi and Darren’s house. All the details at the box. We’ll be bringing this up in classes all week.

Next competition is the Western Classic Feb 10th and 11th. Let’s field a few teams for this. There’s scaled, Rx and masters, same sex partner fun competition. We’ll have a registration list by the whiteboard tomorrow. If you’re looking for a teammate, put your name down with the division you’re looking at signing into and you’ll find a partner for sure. 4 teams confirmed so far, let’s do this. Remember that competition is fun, it’s a great way to push yourself and see what you’re capable of. There’s no other way than stepping outside your comfort zone when competing.


Squat cycle W3D1
5 sets

4 front squats
8 back squats

@approx 67% of 1RM front squat

Note: Brutal


5 rounds for time:

5 deadlifts 275/185
10 Burpees

What a day one for the Liftoff, so many PRs, the board was on fire. So many great lifts. It was amazing to see the tenacity and the determination of all of you. Don’t forget to enter your scores online for those registered. If you haven’t registered yet, you can still do it until Monday 5pm.

Rogue Liftoff workout Rx

12min AMRAP

25 pull ups
50 cals row
100 overhead squats 45/45
50 box jumps 24/20
25 pull ups

Note: Be familiar with the movement standards

Rogue Liftoff workout scaled

12min AMRAP

25 jumping pull ups
50 cals row
100 overhead squats 45/35
50 box jumps 24/20
25 jumping pull ups

Exciting times. Testing our max Snatch and Clean and Jerk is finally here. For those following the Pyro weightlifting program, it was built leading to this. Each week was about building strength, explosive power, core stability, getting more comfortable and the bottom of the squat, stronger at the overhead positions and we did everything in between. Combine that with the regular programming, we did everything to get better, now it’s time to figure out where we’re at. Regardless if you signed up with the CrossFit games for the Liftoff or not, you should come and lift, cheer, help with the judging or just hangout. A lot of us are doing it, even our kids will be lifting. You can also perform your lifts Sunday as well as the workout, we have until Monday 5pm to submit our scores. We will gladly accommodate anyone who wants to participate but can’t make it on Saturday or Sunday. You could also do the workout on Saturday, in the end, we all have a busy schedule, we want as many people as possible to participate.

Rogue Liftoff

10min warm up

20min to find max Snatch
20min to find max Clean and Jerk

You can try as many times as you want, the goal is to find your max, no time constraint. Chances are, after 10-15min everyone should have maxed out already. We will group people together sharing the same platforms for maximum fun

How to build up to your max:

Start with a good warm up, row, bike or move around for 2-4min
Grab a PVC pipe and perform a couple pass through, overhead squats or better, do the Burgener warm up
Grab a barbell and start doing a couple reps of the snatch
Start adding weight gradually, for example: Guys, 75/95/115/135/155… depending on your max
Once you get close to your previous max, do smaller jumps, like 5 or 10lbs top
Try to hit your previous max to confirm a solid lift and then smash it. Depending how it feel, go with 2.5lbs, 5lbs or even 10lbs. Be aware of the danger of doing a big jump. If you get greedy and you miss, you might burn yourself out and won’t be able to confirm a lift even if you go back down. As you probably know, 5 to 10lbs more on a lift can make you fail. There will be a bunch of coaches on the floor, coaching and lifting, make sure to ask for advice. PR doesn’t have to be big, any small increment is a huge success.
After you found you snatch, go ring the PR bell
Start the process over for the Clean and Jerk following the same principles except you won’t need a warm up.

The Rogue Liftoff is Saturday and Sunday. Sign up online at www.crossfitgames.com/liftoff
Sign up on Rhinofit to secure your heat time. Show up, get some wicked new PRs. If you don’t want to sign up with the crossfit games, it’s all good. You should still come Saturday and Sunday. Just do the lifts and the workout. It’s gonna be super fun. Everybody should be on this. The whole weightlifting cycle was built leading to this. Time to test it out!!


Clean and jerk

Pyromania III fitness festival dates are set. July 20th, 21st and 22nd. 3 days of awesome workouts. Same sex partner friendly competition that will test your limits. Typical Pyro fashion, the workouts won’t be unveiled until the day of the competition but you can expect at least 6 workouts, anything from classic CrossFit METCONs to swimming, running, sprinting, heavy lifting and more. Secure the dates on your calendar now, find a partner and come have fun with all of us. To celebrate this announcement, today’s workout is a partner workout, just to give you taste of how fun this weekend is going to be.


Partner up!

On a running clock:

15 cals row each alternating
10 wall balls each alternating 24/20
Max synchronized burpees
3-5min rest
15 cals row each alternating
10 wall balls each alternating 24/20
Max synchronized burpees
8-10min rest
15 cals row each alternating
10 wall balls each alternating 24/20
Max synchronized burpees
13-15min rest
15 cals row each alternating
10 wall balls each alternating 24/20
Max synchronized burpees

Score is total burpees

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