Squat cycle W4D2
5 sets
4 front squats
8 back squats
@approx 67%


For time:

30 dumbbell clean and jerk 50/35

Note: The intent of the metcon is to be short and intense. Aim for 3-5min. We’re limited on dumbbells so we might have to do heats. The workout is short so it shouldn’t be a problem. Yes, this is “Grace” but with dumbbells


Couch stretch 3min per side

“12 days of Christmas”

1 rope climb
2 thrusters
3 shoulder to overhead
4 front squats
5 hang power cleans
6 deadlifts
7 burpee chest to bar pull ups
8 lunges steps with plate overhead 45/35
9 handstand push ups
10 knees to elbows
11 box jumps 30/24
12 bar muscle ups

Bar at 135/95

Note: Perform this workout like the song (1, 2 and 1, 3,2 and 1, 4,3,2 and 1…12,11,10,9 and so on)


Snatch skill work primer (warm up and technique)

Power snatch


Note: For both the power snatch and the snatch, do not max out, reinforce proper mechanic. Aim for a 85-90% of 1RM

Snatch pull on a riser @100% of 1RM snatch

3 sets
5 snatch push press + 1 overhead squat

Acc work
Dumbbell lat raises

Death by air bike
Minute 1, 2 cals
Minute 2, 4 cals
Minute 3, 6 cals

Keep adding 2 cals until you can no longer move and fall of the bike😳

The 2017 athlete of the year vote is well under way, don’t forget to put your vote in. The athlete of the year is a member elected by us, somebody that inspires you, somebody that always works hard, is consistent, has a positive attitude, somebody that you look up to, somebody you’re alway happy to see in your class, somebody that reflects the values of Pyro:

Honor • Dignity • Loyalty • Teamwork • Integrity • Respect • Discipline • Determination

The athlete of the year will receive it’s own workout, dedicated to him/her and will have his/her name on the plaque by the white board. The athlete of the year 2016 was Scott Regier. The 2018 athlete of the year will be unveiled just after new years

Many Pyro teams will be at the western classic. Find a partner and join us. The competition is held at the stampeded ground February 10th and 11th.

The individuals super friendly competition Festivus games is coming to Pyro Saturday April 21st. Sign up at the link below:

Athlete Registration

Pyromania III fitness festival dates have been announced, save the date, this is going to be absolutely EPIC. You don’t want to miss out. July 20th, 21st and 22nd. That’s right, 3 days of awesomeness

Squat cycle W4D1
5 sets
4 front squats
8 back squats

@approx 70% of 1RM front squat

Note: Week 4 of 10, hang tight, it’s gonna be worth it. The loads are getting heavier every week. stick with it


8min AMRAP

4 ring dips
8 dumbbell power snatch 50/35
16 situps


For time:


Deadlifts 225/155

U.S. Army Specialist Donald L. Nichols, 21, of Shell Rock, Iowa, assigned to the 1st Battalion, 133rd Infantry Regiment, Iowa Army National Guard, based in Waterloo, Iowa, died April 13, 2011, in Laghman province, Afghanistan, of wounds suffered when insurgents attacked his unit using an improvised explosive device. He is survived by his mother and stepfather, Roger and Becky Poock; his father and stepmother, Jeff and Jeanie Nichols; and his brothers, Nick and Joe.

Christmas/holiday party is tonight at Andi and Darren’s, 6pm till you drop. Dress up and bring your dish and drink of choice. See you all there! (Oh, heads up, Hero WOD Sunday)

12 days of Christmas workout is Tuesday December 12th, make sure to wear your ugliest sweater


Ring series
5 sets

10min EMOM alt minute

2 strict pull ups, 3 kipping pull ups, 2 kipping chest to bar pull ups, 1 bar muscle up

2 strict handstand push ups, 4 kipping handstand push ups, 2 strict handstand push ups (add deficit if needed)

Accumulate 2min of paralette L-sit hold

Perform 10 ring muscle up in the harness


Snatch, clean and jerk skills primer


Clean and jerk

Note: For the snatch, clean and jerk, don’t max out, 90% of 1RM top. It’s important to keep it under your max, train the body below maxes and reinforce good mechanics

Push press

Acc work
Pendlay row (fixed weight)

Stiff leg deadlift (SLDL, fixed weight)


6 rounds for time:

400m run
10 push ups
10 pistols
10 kettlebell swings 70/53

**If you have a weight vest, wear it**

Note: S#!% just for got real!!

Who’s in for the Trifecta today?

Pyro Christmas/holiday party is Saturday at Andi’s and Darren, 6pm. Dress up and bring your favourite dish and drinks. See you all there



Handstand/Handstand walk practice


10 rounds for time:

3 ring muscle ups
15 wall balls 20/14

Note: Yes, this is “KAREN” with 30 muscle ups

Coach note: BOOM!


Power clean


12min AMRAP

6 box jump overs 30/24
12 power snatch 95/65
24 double unders


Clean skill work 5min

Clean 15min

Clean pull on a riser 10min

Acc work 10min
Barbell good morning

GHD sit ups

Strength (20min)

Squat cycle W3D2
5 sets
4 front squats
8 back squats

@approximately 10lbs less than Monday. 65%



5 rounds not for time:

Max bodyweight bench press
Max pull ups

Note: This workout is not for time but we don’t have all day either. So in order to make it in a timeframe that’s manageable within the hour and to be able to compare your score for the next time you’ll be doing it, we’ll keep each round every 5 minutes. So all 5 rounds will take 25 minutes total.

What if you don’t have bodyweight bench press and pull ups? Worry not, pick a scale option that will allow you to get 10 to 15 reps each per round. Something like:

75% bodyweight bench press
Pull ups purple band


50% bodyweight bench press
Ring rows

Congratulations to all the athletes that competed in the Rogue Liftoff. Don’t forget to submit your scores before 6pm. Sweet skillz!!

New weightlifting cycle starting today for 8 weeks leading right into the CrossFit Open. The duration of 8 weeks is to tie in with the current squat cycle so both finish at the same. Our new weightlifting program is based on catalyst athletic skill 2 which is a program for lifters with previous experience with a focus on building strength and technique. From previous observations, most of us need development in getting under the bar, both in the snatch and the clean. Also, we need to reinforce our foot position at the landing of the split jerk. The program will help us in those areas. The program is built on 4 days a week. We have weightlifting only 3 times a week so the 4th day of the program will be introduced within the regular programming over multiple days. Also, to tie in with the squat cycle, the front squats and back squat have been removed, worry not, there will be plenty of squats with all the snatch, clean, snatch balance, complexes and others. Lastly, everyday will start with skills work on the lift. Use it as a warm up if you’re an experienced lifter, if you’re new, this is perfect to learn. This is going to be our most advance fitness cycle to date, combining regular prog, weightlifting, floater wods, Firebreathers and gymnastics. Add a couple competitions here and there, we have everything to be in the best shape of our lives. This is going to be epic!!


Jerk (fixed weight)
3-3-3-3-3 @50% of 1RM clean and jerk


For time:


Hang squat cleans 135/95
Handstand push ups

Deficit handstand push ups 4/2


Snatch pull on a riser

3 sets
5 snatch push press + 1 overhead squat

Acc work
Back squat jumps @20% of 1rm back squat

Note: No percentage for the lifts on this cycle (that will be on the next one). Work below your maxes. You might fail a few times here and there but for the most part don’t just try to PR. We have test days or competitions to do that.

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