Pyro Christmas WOD exchange is Sunday December 24th at 9 and 10. Write down a workout on a piece of paper, put it in a box, wrap it and bring it to Pyro at one of the classes. We’ll draw names randomly, you get to pick a box and unwrap it. You could also just pick a box and exchange it with somebody that picked before you. Then once everybody got their WOD we’re all going to do it together. That might be a logistical nightmare but it’s gonna be all for fun!! Pyro feels really generous this year and will be giving away a lot of WODs haha


Power clean (not touch and go)

Aim for the same as last week or above


For time:

30 handstand push ups
30 box jumps 30/24
30 chest to bar pull ups
30 kettlebell swings 70/53

Snatch skill work primer (warm up and technique)

Power snatch (not touch and go)

Snatch (not touch and go)

Note: For both the power snatch and the snatch, do not max out, reinforce proper mechanic. Aim for a 85-90% of 1RM

Snatch pull on a riser @100% of 1RM snatch

3 sets
5 snatch push press + 1 overhead squat

Acc work
GHD sit ups

Hip extensions

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