Pyro WOD exchange Sunday December 24th at 9 and 10. Come up with a workout, put it in a box, wrap it and bring it over. We’ll draw names randomly and you’ll get to choose between picking a new box under the tree or exchanging with somebody that picked before you. Then we get to do the workouts after. Workout need to be short, fun and creative. This is going to be super fun!!

Pyro holiday hours:
Monday December 25th, closed (rest day)
Tuesday December 26th, 9am, 10am classes and 11am open gym (Special boxing day WOD for the classes)
Sunday December 31st, 9am, 10am classes and 11am open gym
Monday January 1st, closed (rest day)
Tuesday January 2nd, normal hours resumed

Squat cycle W5D1
6 sets
3 front squats
6 back squats
@ 76% or 1RM front squat


Festivus Games holiday WOD

2 rounds for time:

12 burpees
23 cals row
20 situps
17 push ups

Note: Sit ups are full, shoulders past hip crease, upright torso (regular standard), push ups must be with straight line with legs and torso, chest to the ground and arms fully extended at the top. This is a quick workout, aim for 5-10min top. Make sure to take pictures and post it on instagram with the hashtag #festivuswod. You could win prices like an assault air bike!!

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