Strength (20min)
Squat cycle W3D2
5 sets
4 front squats
8 back squats
@approximately 10lbs less than Monday. 65%
5 rounds not for time:
Max bodyweight bench press
Max pull ups
Note: This workout is not for time but we don’t have all day either. So in order to make it in a timeframe that’s manageable within the hour and to be able to compare your score for the next time you’ll be doing it, we’ll keep each round every 5 minutes. So all 5 rounds will take 25 minutes total.
What if you don’t have bodyweight bench press and pull ups? Worry not, pick a scale option that will allow you to get 10 to 15 reps each per round. Something like:
75% bodyweight bench press
Pull ups purple band
50% bodyweight bench press
Ring rows