You still have until 6pm to perform and submit your scores for the liftoff lifts and the workout. Congrats to all the athletes that came this weekend, awesome performance from everybody and there was lots of PRs. For those that still wish to do it, we can accommodate throughout the day. Show up to any of the classes before 6pm. Preferably in open gym between 1030am and 1200pm. #noexcuses

Christmas party is Saturday December 9th at Andi and Darren’s house. All the details at the box. We’ll be bringing this up in classes all week.

Next competition is the Western Classic Feb 10th and 11th. Let’s field a few teams for this. There’s scaled, Rx and masters, same sex partner fun competition. We’ll have a registration list by the whiteboard tomorrow. If you’re looking for a teammate, put your name down with the division you’re looking at signing into and you’ll find a partner for sure. 4 teams confirmed so far, let’s do this. Remember that competition is fun, it’s a great way to push yourself and see what you’re capable of. There’s no other way than stepping outside your comfort zone when competing.


Squat cycle W3D1
5 sets

4 front squats
8 back squats

@approx 67% of 1RM front squat

Note: Brutal


5 rounds for time:

5 deadlifts 275/185
10 Burpees

What a day one for the Liftoff, so many PRs, the board was on fire. So many great lifts. It was amazing to see the tenacity and the determination of all of you. Don’t forget to enter your scores online for those registered. If you haven’t registered yet, you can still do it until Monday 5pm.

Rogue Liftoff workout Rx

12min AMRAP

25 pull ups
50 cals row
100 overhead squats 45/45
50 box jumps 24/20
25 pull ups

Note: Be familiar with the movement standards

Rogue Liftoff workout scaled

12min AMRAP

25 jumping pull ups
50 cals row
100 overhead squats 45/35
50 box jumps 24/20
25 jumping pull ups

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