Speed development and running technique workshop with Tiffeny Parker is this Saturday November 18th at 10am. 25$ for members, 35$ for non members, registerer online at the link below:

The Rogue Liftoff at Pyro is Saturday Dec 2nd and Sunday Dec 3rd. Sign up online at www.crossfitgames.com. If you’re not sure what it is, please ask, this is going to be a lot of fun.


12min EMOM alt min

Farmers carry 25ft 310/210
Dumbbells/Kettlebells overhead walking lunges 50/35


For time:


Sumo deadlift high pulls 95/65
Burpees over the bar



Snatch pulls @110% of 1RM

Front squats

Acc work
Hip extension

5min AMRAP

50 cals bike
Max D-ball cleans 100/70

The stairs workout was awesome!! 20 of us showed up, sweet skillz!!! (That’s why we’re not doing any legs today haha)

E2M30M (15 rounds)

2 bench press 185/125
4 strict pull ups
10 GHD sit ups


3min AMRAP

Max hang dumbbell power cleans 50/35

Note: This is the closest thing to a full beach workout as we can get

Meet at 10am, Memorial stairs. Free parking on weekend at the bottom or park at the top on the street. The workout starts at the bottom. If you have a weight vest, wear it.

10 rds for time:

10 burpees
Stairs up
10 squats
Stairs down

Gymnastics at 9
Weightlifting at 10
Open prep session at 11
Firebreather WOD at 1145

**Reminder: No classes at Pyro Sunday, meet at the memorial stairs for 10am. Bring your weight vest**

For Remembrance day, we’ll be doing the hero workout “DG” which also ties in with the open prep session. Everybody will get a judge and a scoring sheet. There’s an Rx and a scaled version. This is for absolutely everyone. We’re all in this together, as a team. Let’s do this!


Warm up 5-10min

A) Accumulate as much time as possible of ring support hold in 3min
B) Accumulate as much time as possible of bottom of the ring dip in 3min
C) Accumulate as much time as possible of false grip hang hold in 3min

Front levers
Back levers
Ice cream scoops
Front planche

Partner up
Not for time:
10 box around the world (Conan drill)
20 bar hang around the world
20 skin the car


Tor Complex
5 sets, build to max

1 snatch
1 snatch balance
1 snatch push press
1 overhead squat

Clean and jerk complex
5 sets, build to max

1 clean
1 front squat
1 push jerk
1 split jerk



10min AMRAP

8 toes to bar
8 dumbbell thrusters 35/20
12 dumbbell walking lunges steps 35/20


10min AMRAP

8 knee raises
8 dumbbell thrusters 20/15
12 dumbbell walking lunges steps 20/15

U.S. Air Force Maj. Walter David Gray, 38, of Conyers, Georgia, assigned to the 13th Air Support Operations Squadron, based in Fort Carson, Colorado, died on Aug. 8, 2012, from injuries suffered during a suicide-bomb attack in Kunar Province, Afghanistan.

He is survived by his wife, Heather; daughters, Nyah and Ava; and son, Garrett.

The speed development and technique workshop with Tiffeny Parker registration is live. All the info is there with the full lesson plan. This is a very unique opportunity, let’s take full advantage of it.
Here’s the link:


Saturday we have gymnastics at 9am. weightlifting at 10am and the open prep session at 11am. The open prep session is part of our Firebreather class as well. We’ll be doing a hero workout after the session, open style. Meaning that we’re going to judge each other and have a scoring sheet. Don’t worry, the hero workout is only a 12min AMRAP. It would be wrong not to have a hero workout on Veteran’s day. This session is for everyone and we’ll have a scaled option. We might go a bit over 1 hour everything together so just expect to be there until 1230ish. We’ll be covering everything CrossFit Games Open, what to expect for 2018, what we should be working on, programming to get us ready and top shape and more. This is going to be both informative and practical, this is going to be really good. Seriously, everybody should come to this.


Back squats


Note: Start your deadlifts with your last back squat set.


For time:


Wall balls 20/14
Dumbbell snatch 50/35

Just when you thought that the workouts this week couldn’t get any better. BOOM!!!

30min EMOM

1 power clean 225/155
2 strict handstand push ups
5 toes to bar

Note: We even did the math for you just in case you didn’t realize how awesome this is

Total power cleans 30
Total strict handstand push ups 60
Total toes to bar 150

Coach note: But seriously, have fun with this. Pick a weight or a movement challenging for you while keeping good form. If you cannot complete all the reps within the minute scale down the next minute


10min Rx


5 sets
2 hang squat cleans + 1 push jerk

Double overhand deadlifts @120% of 1RM clean and jerk

Note: No drop and keep it touch and go.

Back squats

Note: No build up, fix weight. Aim for approx 65% of 1RM back squat

CrossFit Pyro is hosting Track athlete and CrossFit Aerobic capacity Tiffeny Parker (USA Heptathlete and Bobsled Athlete) November 18th at 10am for a specialty session on speed development and technique workshop. The session is 90 minutes and should cost around 20-25$.

Tiffeny is a speed development programmer and have worked with the following games athletes such as; Katryn, Sara, Camille, Rich/ team Mayhem, Tia, Brooke Ence, Matt Fraser, Masters and Cf teen athletes Ron Ortiz, Annie Sakamoto,  Angelo, Nick , Haley Adams etc.

The other nice thing about hosting this is that it will open the door for future possibilities like hosting the full CrossFit Aerobic capacity course.

If interested (you really should), put your name down on the sign up sheet by the white board so we have an idea of how many are coming. We believe this is a unique opportunity and everybody would greatly benefit from this. Check out the video link for a sneak peek of the workshop.


12min AMRAP

15 deadlifts 115/85
12 overhead squats 115/85
9 chest to bar pull ups

Rest 3min

5min AMRAP

6 front squats 115/85
3 push press 115/85
1 bar muscle up

Score is total reps for both AMRAPs together

Note: This is going to be lovely!

Join us Saturday November 11th at 11am for the CrossFit Games Open prep session. We’ll discuss everything you need to do well or do better at the 2018 Open. We won’t just be talking, we’ll hit an open workout just like the real thing with a judge.

Stairs workout Sunday November 12th at 10am. There will be no classes at Pyro on that day. Let’s all meet at the stairs for 10. If you have weight vest, bring it. If you don’t have a weight vest, bring a backpack with rocks in it. We’re going no matter what the weather looks like, no kidding. Just dress accordingly


Do you even cardio bros?

3 rounds for reps:

1min burpees over the rower
1min row for cals
1min shuttle runs 25ft
1min kettlebell swings 53/35
1min double unders

1min rest between rounds

Score is total reps for all 3 rounds combined

Note: Everybody can Rx this!!!




Power snatch (not touch and go)

Snatch balance

Snatch grip deadlifts 120% of 1RM snatch

Front squats

Week of November 5th Floater wod:

5min AMRAP

50 burpees
Max cals bike

Score is the total cals on the bike at 5min

Yes, this is the reverse of last week’s workout haha, even better


The split jerk


Split Jerk


Note: Build to max. This will take the majority of the class, rest about 2min between sets. Take more rest between the singles as it gets heavier



This is a prescribe time for doing maintenance and to mobilize. Want to be in better shape and become a better athlete? You need to do maintenance and mobility. This will help for your range of motion and prevent injuries.

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