Rogue Liftoff at Pyro is 4 days away. Are you ready for some PRs???

We just received the last apparel order. Sweat pants, toques, green tees, zip hoodies, pull overs. Make sure to pick your things up


15min EMOM alt min (3min cycles for 5 cycles)

1min 50ft sled push 280/190 (Sled + 4 45 plates for men, sled + 2 45 plates)
1min 15 GHD situps
1min 5 deadlifts @65% or 1RM

Note: Alternate between each movement. Do not perform all 3 movements in 1min

Rest 5min

For time:

Box jumps 24/20
Hand release push ups


Power snatch (all sets at 65% of 1RM)

Snatch (all sets at 80% of 1RM)

Snatch pulls @110% of 1RM

Snatch push press (all sets at 80% or 1RM)

Coach note: We are days away from the Rogue liftoff, this is what we train for. Everything lead to this. This our time to show up and destroy some PRs. Today and Thursday will be more like a deload week, time to reset, work on good form and ease on the body. You could even go under the percentages prescribed depending how you feel. Next Oly lifts cycle starts right after the Liftoff leading right to the open. This is going to be epic

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