The running workshop was awesome, expect to see a lot of running drills and running wods from that. Sweet skillz to everyone that participated!!!

*Partner up*

15min to find 1RM front squat

Score is total for the team

Example: Partner 1 200lbs, partner 2 185lbs. Score is 385

Note: 10 weeks squat cycle starting Monday. The cycle is based on our front squat. If you haven’t done it in a while, it might be a good time to figure it out. If you can’t make it tomorrow and haven’t done it in a while, start the cycle with your last 1RM and adjust the weight during the cycle. Chances are, if you haven’t done it a while, it’s safe to add 10lbs to your max for the cycle. Reminder, the squat cycle will be part of the regular programming, every Monday and Wednesday, for 10 weeks. This is going to be well worth it, having stronger legs will help you in every aspect of life and will definitely gets you better in the workouts. Better in the workouts equals more gainz overall, more fitness. I say again, GAINZ!!!


“Froning/Fraser vs the world”

10 rounds (each, alternating every round, 20 rounds total)

50 double unders
15 toes to bar
5 bench press 225/155

Note: Aim for a 30min workout. About 1:30 per round or 3min per 2 rounds (you and your partner). The bench press is going to be heavy, that’s 50 reps each so scale accordingly. This is meant to be a challenging weight so don’t get surprised if you ended breaking your sets in singles towards the end.

Speed development and running workshop with Tiffeny Parker at 10am until 12pm

25$ for members, can be paid through RhinoFit or cash
35$ for non members, cash only

Outline for Workshop:

Sprinting & Start Positions

Start: Station overview and foundation background

Lecture: Importance of the components of sprinting, positions & impact on athletic performance

Warm Up: Dynamic sprinting warm up, mobility

Workout 1: Stride rate/ stride length/ force production testing…

Workout Summary: The dynamic warm-up progression for the CrossFit athlete. Applying force.

Lecture: Stride rate adaptation. Developing body awareness and positions for efficient movement.

Workout 2: Movement of upper body, Sprint drills, Ballistic & Plyo reaction workout, learning the start positions.

Workout Summary: Positions + Stride rate, length, and the amount of force produced and applied = Speed.

Lecture: Starting stance, types start positions, weight distribution &mechanics.

Workout 3: Sprint test

Cool Down:

Q&A and closing remarks, & participant seminar assessment.

Learning Objectives:

Positions: Running positions for optimal results & the “Start” body positions to maximize energy systems and power.
What is speed : what factors and drills allow you to develop pure speed and proper running form.
Forces created by counterbalance : How to use your body as a means of starting and continuing speed.
The Dynamic Warm-up: How to effectively prime your engine and body to efficiently utilize your energy systems while limiting risk of injury. Sprint drills will also help with adaptation of developing speed because all 3 comments work simultaneously.
Running Mechanics

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