Gymnastics at 9
Weightlifting at 10
Open prep session at 11
Firebreather WOD at 1145

**Reminder: No classes at Pyro Sunday, meet at the memorial stairs for 10am. Bring your weight vest**

For Remembrance day, we’ll be doing the hero workout “DG” which also ties in with the open prep session. Everybody will get a judge and a scoring sheet. There’s an Rx and a scaled version. This is for absolutely everyone. We’re all in this together, as a team. Let’s do this!


Warm up 5-10min

A) Accumulate as much time as possible of ring support hold in 3min
B) Accumulate as much time as possible of bottom of the ring dip in 3min
C) Accumulate as much time as possible of false grip hang hold in 3min

Front levers
Back levers
Ice cream scoops
Front planche

Partner up
Not for time:
10 box around the world (Conan drill)
20 bar hang around the world
20 skin the car


Tor Complex
5 sets, build to max

1 snatch
1 snatch balance
1 snatch push press
1 overhead squat

Clean and jerk complex
5 sets, build to max

1 clean
1 front squat
1 push jerk
1 split jerk



10min AMRAP

8 toes to bar
8 dumbbell thrusters 35/20
12 dumbbell walking lunges steps 35/20


10min AMRAP

8 knee raises
8 dumbbell thrusters 20/15
12 dumbbell walking lunges steps 20/15

U.S. Air Force Maj. Walter David Gray, 38, of Conyers, Georgia, assigned to the 13th Air Support Operations Squadron, based in Fort Carson, Colorado, died on Aug. 8, 2012, from injuries suffered during a suicide-bomb attack in Kunar Province, Afghanistan.

He is survived by his wife, Heather; daughters, Nyah and Ava; and son, Garrett.

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