Just when you thought that the workouts this week couldn’t get any better. BOOM!!!

30min EMOM

1 power clean 225/155
2 strict handstand push ups
5 toes to bar

Note: We even did the math for you just in case you didn’t realize how awesome this is

Total power cleans 30
Total strict handstand push ups 60
Total toes to bar 150

Coach note: But seriously, have fun with this. Pick a weight or a movement challenging for you while keeping good form. If you cannot complete all the reps within the minute scale down the next minute


10min Rx


5 sets
2 hang squat cleans + 1 push jerk

Double overhand deadlifts @120% of 1RM clean and jerk

Note: No drop and keep it touch and go.

Back squats

Note: No build up, fix weight. Aim for approx 65% of 1RM back squat

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