The weightlifting clinic was a huge success, more clinics coming in the future. Sweet skillz!

Partner up!!

15min AMRAP

10 synchronized bar facing burpees
5 partner deadlifts 405/285
20 dumbbell step ups 24/20 50/35
5 rope climbs

Note: Burpees are synchronized at the bottom. Deadlifts is both athletes lifting on the same bar. 1 set of dumbbells per teams. Share the work as needed

Male/male, female/female or male/female teams. Whatever works. The deadlift is 350 for male/female teams (170lbs and 130lbs on each sides on a 45lbs bar)


For time:

75 cals row

Note: Share as needed

Score is number of reps for the AMRAP and time for the row

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