
Warm up

2 rounds
10 hollow rock
10 arch rock
10 hollow/arch rotations
10 beat swings

Ring series

5 sets

12min EMOM alt min

3 tempo pull ups
3 tempo handstand push ups


Not for time:

20 strict dips rings or box
20 strict toes to bar
20 box pistols right
20 box pistols left
20 glute ham raises (partner or ghd)
Accumulate 1min of arch hold
Accumulate 1min of hollow hold

Weightlifting clinic

Warm up

Kettlebell drills

Muscle snatch
Power snatch
Snatch balance

Muscle clean
Power clean
Tall clean

Shoulder press
Push press
Push jerk (also known as power jerk)
Split jerk

Clean and jerk

Workout (Firebreather wod)

With a partner, share the reps as needed

For time:

30 power cleans
30 front squats
30 shoulder to overhead
30 power snatch
30 overhead squats

Rx 135/95
Scaled 95/65
Tech 75/55

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