Stairs workout, Sunday November 12th at 10am, rain or shine or…snow. Even if there’s a storm, we will do this. I wish there was a storm actually, that would be much better. Meet there at 10am for a warm up and then a wicked stairs grinder wod, with a weight vest or a sand bag obviously.
10 rounds for time:
10 burpees at the bottom
Stairs up
10 squats at the top
Stairs down
Note: This might get spicy really quick! Are you up for it?
Weightlifting clinic Saturday November 4th at 10am until 1130 followed by a weightlifting workout (Hint: it rhymes with “BELL” and “ACE”)
Open prep session Saturday November 11th at 11am for an hour followed by a necessary open workout (We know it’s Remembrance day, that was the only time that worked sorry)
For time:
60 situps
50 toes to bar
40 ghd situps
30 pull ups
20 strict pull ups
10 bar muscle ups
Note: This is not a joke!
Coach corner: This workout has volume and high level movements so scale accordingly
5 sets
1 power clean + 1 push jerk
5 sets
1 clean + 1 split jerk
Clean pulls @110% of 1RM
Back squats
Note: Remember, deload week so take it easy on the load, focus on technique. This will ease off on the joints, really important. Especially if you’ve been doing weightlifting consistently
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