The Rogue Liftoff is 2 days away. If you’re competing or really want to hit that new PR, taking a couple days of rest would be advised. It doesn’t mean to stay home locked in a room and do nothing. Light rowing, casual air bike (if there’s such a thing), come do the workouts but heavily scaled, do the weightlifting today but with an empty bar, pvc pipe or really light weight, basically take it easy. We do a lot of 1RM, sometimes within a cycle, sometimes after a workout or after a couple days of training so in order to truly find your 1RM, you have to rest. You have to allow your body to recover, rebuild your muscle, give your nervous system a break. We just did a 10 week weightlifting cycle, everything leads to this. If you did all the sessions, aim for a solid 5-10 pounds PR.


For time:

120 double unders
60 pistols
50 knees to elbows
40 squat jumps
30 pull ups
20 strict handstand push ups

Note: BOOM!


Power clean @65% of 1RM clean and jerk

Clean and Jerk @80% of 1RM clean and jerk

Clean pulls @110% of 1RM clean and jerk

Push press @65% of 1RM clean and jerk

Latest Apparel order just dropped, make sure to pick up your stuff when you come in. Next order right after Christmas

The Rogue Liftoff is this weekend. Time to shine and PR. Max snatch, max clean and jerk and a workout. This is going to be awesome, you don’t want to miss out. Not sure what the liftoff is about? Ask your coach in class

Christmas/Holiday party at Darren and Andi’s is Saturday December 9th. We have a sign up sheet by the whiteboard. Put your name down, guests and what you’ll be bringing for the potluck


Squat cycle W2D2
4 sets
7 front squats + 13 back squats


6min AMRAP

12 deadlifts
9 hang power cleans
6 shoulder to overhead

Dumbbells at 50/35

Note: Ouchy!!!

Rogue Liftoff at Pyro is 4 days away. Are you ready for some PRs???

We just received the last apparel order. Sweat pants, toques, green tees, zip hoodies, pull overs. Make sure to pick your things up


15min EMOM alt min (3min cycles for 5 cycles)

1min 50ft sled push 280/190 (Sled + 4 45 plates for men, sled + 2 45 plates)
1min 15 GHD situps
1min 5 deadlifts @65% or 1RM

Note: Alternate between each movement. Do not perform all 3 movements in 1min

Rest 5min

For time:

Box jumps 24/20
Hand release push ups


Power snatch (all sets at 65% of 1RM)

Snatch (all sets at 80% of 1RM)

Snatch pulls @110% of 1RM

Snatch push press (all sets at 80% or 1RM)

Coach note: We are days away from the Rogue liftoff, this is what we train for. Everything lead to this. This our time to show up and destroy some PRs. Today and Thursday will be more like a deload week, time to reset, work on good form and ease on the body. You could even go under the percentages prescribed depending how you feel. Next Oly lifts cycle starts right after the Liftoff leading right to the open. This is going to be epic

The Rogue Liftoff is next weekend. Lifting on Saturday, the workout on Sunday.

The western classic is now open for registration, Rx, scaled and masters 35+ div. Let’s field a few teams. Do not wish to compete? Come and cheer us. Same sex partner comp, Sat February 10th and Sunday Feb 11th

Pyro is hosting the Festivus games individual Saturday April 21st. Let’s do this!!!


Squat cycle W2D1

4 sets
7 front squats
Then, immediately after
13 back squats

Note: aim for 4-5min rest between sets. 20min top


4 rounds for time:

25ft handstand walk
25 kettlebell swings 53/35

Note: If needed, scale the handstand walk to inverted 25 hand release or around the box. If you can’t kick to handstand on the wall and hold yourself, you can technically do handstand walk, it’s just a matter of practice and getting uncomfortable. Let’s have fun with this one

Target time: 3min per round, approx 12-15min total

5 rounds for time:

10 cals bike
10 burpees

The Rogue Liftoff is next weekend. Lifts on Dec 2nd, workout on Dec 3rd. Heat times and judge sheet will be at the box tomorrow. Registration is open until Monday Dec 4th

Christmas/holiday party Sat Dec 9th at Darren and Andi’s house. Address at the box on the white board. Dress code is: Fancy. Food: Potluck style, bring your favorite dish. Other things to bring: your best smile

Open 14.4

14min AMRAP

60 cals row
50 toes to bar
40 wall balls 20/14
30 power cleans 135/95
20 ring muscle ups

Note: If you finish everything, you go back to the rower

Trifecta goodness (Who’s up for the ultimate Trifecta?)

Gymnastics “It’s complexicated”

Wall climb complex 8 sets
Bar hang complex 8 sets
Muscle up complex 8 sets


Overhead squats

Note: Aim for your snatch goal for weight

5 sets
1 power clean
1 push press
2 push jerk
3 split jerk

Note: The weight will be relatively light for this shoulder to overhead complex, the goal is to hammer the mechanics while under fatigue. Stay tight my friends

5 sets
3 position deadlift (double overhand grip)
Low hang, hang, high hang (hold 3 sec at each positions)

Note: This is gonna burn!!


10min EMOM alt min
15 cals row (or bike if you dare)
30 double unders

Note: Classic conditioner. Good lung capacity builder and skills work

Rest precisely 5min


For time:


Clusters 95/65
Bar facing burpees

Note: Hell yeah!!!


Shoulder press

Push press


5 rounds for time:

2 rope climbs
6 barbell turkish get ups 45/35
12 V-ups

Rx+ Legless rope climbs

To all current members, do you have a friend or family member that wants to try CrossFit? Regardless of their skill level or previous experience, you can give 10 passes, valid for 3 months, for only 100$ +tx. This offer is valid until December 31st 2017. There’s no better gift than offering health and wellness, even better you get to share it with them. Ask us in person at the box or send us an email at

Sign up for the Rogue Liftoff. Here’s the link:

Christmas/Holiday party at Darren and Andi’s Saturday December 9th

Pelvic floor informative session. We have a specialist coming at Pyro Saturday December 16th from 12 to 3. This is women’s only, 25$.

12 days of Christmas workout + ugly sweater at Pyro to be announced


20min AMRAP

5 deadlifts 225/155
10 handstand push ups
15 wall balls 24/20


5 sets
1 power clean + 1 push jerk

5 sets
1 clean + 1 split jerk

Clean pulls @ 110% of 1RM clean and jerk

Acc work
Pendlay row

Weighted hip extensions

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