Festivus Games is tomorrow!!

For all the athletes competing, take it easy today. It doesn’t mean to do absolutely nothing. By all means, come to the gym, use the rowers, the air bike, set yourself up on the side, do your things. You could go through the wod but keep it light. Moving around is good, active recovery style. Also, rolling and stretching is a good idea, just saying.

The Battle Royale is Sunday October 22nd (35 combatants in so far, only one champion). Not sure you guys realized how awesome that’s going to be!




Note: 5s and 3s can be touch and go or drops in between. Touch and go is good to work on barbell cycling. If you want to go heavier do drop in between.


Be afraid, be very afraid!

“Friday the 13th WOD”

13min AMRAP

13 wall balls 20/14
13 burpees
13 kettlebells swings 53/35

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