Registration for the Festivus Games is officially closed. We have 20 teams registered. We’ll be posting the heat times Monday. We need volunteers for the event, judging and helping out with the equipment. We’ll have a volunteers sign up sheet at the box this week. We’ll be able to asign you heat times for judging as well. This is going to be epic!!

The Battle Royale is full. We have 32 combatants registered, only one survivor will come out champion. This is going to be uber epic!!

Thanksgiving hours: Monday classes at 9 and 10, open gym at 11

Partner workout

For time:

Buy in: 400m run hill side

10 rounds alternating partners
25 cals row
25 wall balls 20/14
25 kettlebell swings 53/35

Buy out: 400m run hill side

Note: For the run, one partner carries the med ball, the other carries the kettlebell

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