Festivus games volunteers needed. We need judges and helpers with the gear. Let us know if you can help out, even just a little bit. Anything would be much appreciated
The Battle Royale is almost full. 4 spots left. This is going to be epic!!!
5min EMOM
3 strict toes to bar
3 kipping toes to bar
6 sec hanging L-sit hold
3 rounds of 4min for reps:
4 power snatch 75/55 95/65 135/95
6 overhead walking lunges
8 box jumps 24/20
2min rest between rounds
Note: The weight increase after each rounds. Continue where you left off from round to round
Warm up
Muscle clean
5 sets
2 Hang power cleans + 1 push jerk
5 sets
1 power clean + 2 split jerks
Clean pulls @110% of 1RM clean and jerk
Back squats