
10min handstand walk

10min to find

3 rep max hang squat snatch


Heavy Amanda
For time:


Muscle ups
Squat snatch 155/115

Note: The Firebreather class is for everyone, EVERYONE!!! If you can’t do any of the movements above, that’s exactly why you should come. A Firebreather is able to recognize his/her weaknesses and work at it. You should look at this like a challenge, focus on what you can do, learn and improve, believe that one day you will be able to achieve these things


Power cleans (touch and go)

Shoulder press

Push press


Have you forgot about the 50 reps a day and nutrition challenge? This challenge is for us, for you, we stand all together against all odds. This world is after us, good food is nearly impossible to get these days, it requires efforts and dedication to eat well. Our lives have us confined in cubicles working on a computer 10hrs a day, seated and deprived from any kind of physical activity. The 50 reps a day is there to keep us active and develop good habits. We often hear “Minimum, how many times a week should I workout”? Well, the answer is not the minimum but we should all seek to be active every single day. In a perfect world, people should be asking what is the maximum I can be active and workout in a week. Rest days don’t exist. A rest day should be going for a walk, going hiking, get outdoor, go play sports, play games with friends. A rest day means not being at the gym pushing yourself to exhaustion and allowing your muscles to rebuild and get stronger. Active recovery is the proper term. Did you know that there is a 35% obesity rate in north America? Did you know that there is a 10% diabetes rate in the US?

We strive to create and program the best workouts, to have the best coaches, to always have something in the pipeline to keep us interested, we strive to have as many of you as possible every single day. We’re literally doing everything we can to make everyone the best versions of themselves, to ignite their true human potential. The only thing we can’t do is to go to your home, grab you by your hand, bring you to your car and give you ride to the gym, the choice is yours, everyone has 24 hours in a day, how to you use those hours? Make the best of it. Most gyms do business by having as many members as possible and make sure they don’t show up. Our business is that you show up as many times as you can in a week, listen to the coach, give an all out effort, do some maintenance and mobility, eat well and repeat. That’s how you get results, when you get results that’s when you’re going to like training and when you like training, it’s going to be as natural as breathing. At that point, training and coming to the gym is going to be part of your lifestyle.

Team series week 2

Workout 5

Complete as many reps as possible in 10 minutes of:
3 synchronized burpee box jump-overs
3 synchronized deadlifts
6 synchronized burpee box jump-overs
6 synchronized deadlifts
9 synchronized burpee box jump-overs
9 synchronized deadlifts
Etc., adding 3 reps to each exercise every round

Deadlift at 225/155
Box at 24/20

Note: Burpees are box facing

Workout 6

21-15-9 synchronized reps for time of:

Dumbbell snatches 50/35
Bar muscle-ups

Time cap: 30min

If you’re doing these workouts solo, just take the synchronize part out. The bar muscle up workout has a 30min time cap but it shouldn’t be longer than 15min. You can easily scale the bar muscle ups for chest to bar pull ups or just pull ups. Jumping chest to bar is the standard scale for the team series.

There’s no lack of things happening at Pyro in the next couple months. Competitions reminders:

Team series week 2 Wed Sept 27th
Festivus games Sat Oct 14th (Still time to sign up)
Pyro 1st year anniversary/Battle Royale Sun Oct 22nd (Only 30 spots, free and for everyone, sign up asap)
Rogue Liftoff starts Thurs Nov 30th

Heads up, Team series workout 1 and 2 Friday. Workout 3 and 4 Sunday.


15min EMOM alt min

20-30 double unders
15 sec parallettes or rings L-sit hold
25ft farmer’s walk 250/170

Note: If you can’t hold 15sec unbroken, accumulate 15sec within the minute. For the carry, use the farmer’s carry bars, kettlebells, dumbbells. Pick something challenging for you. If 250/170 is too light, go heavier.


7min AMRAP

10 overhead squats 95/65
10 pull ups

Target intensity: 4-5 rounds


Warm up
Tall cleans (barbell only)

Clean and jerk complex (build to max)
5 sets

1 clean pull
1 hang squat clean
1 front squat
2 jerks

Clean and jerk @10# over your heaviest clean and jerk complex

Back squats @60% of 1RM back squat, all sets at the same weight

The Pyro Battle Royale sign up sheet is by the white board. Only 30 combatants allowed, it’s filling up fast. Free and for everyone, guaranteed at least one workout. Who will be the last standing? Sunday October 22nd, first workout at 10am

There’s still time to sign up for the festivus games. It’s going to be epic.


The rope climb


20min AMRAP

1 hill climb
1 rope climb
10 burpees

**If you have a weight vest, wear it**

Note: If you don’t have a weight vest, we have a few at Pyro. You can also bring a back pack and fill it with weights

Team series week 2 is starting Wednesday September 27th, Workout 1 and 2 Friday. Workout 3 and 4 Sunday
Heads up, weight vest workout Wednesday!!

Are you happy with you bodyweight?

Pyro original from last year, June 16th 2016

For time:


Bodyweight deadlifts
Bodyweight front squats (from the ground)
Handstand push ups

Note: If you can do all 15 handstand push ups unbroken, go deficit

Rx+ Handstand push ups deficit 4/2.5

Warm up
Snatch balance (keep those sets light, barbell only)

Snatch complex

5 sets
1 Snatch pulls
1 Hang squat snatch
1 Snatch balance
2 Overhead squats

Add 10lbs over the heaviest successful snatch complex

If unsuccessful at the snatch, bring the weight down, technically should be able to do it

Front squats @70% of 1RM front squat if only doing weightlifting, go 50% if doing today’s workout

For time:

50 cals air bike

CrossFit Pyro at the Los Angeles world police fire games in August video highlights

Team series week 2 starts September 27th. Don’t forget to enter your score online before Monday September 25th 5pm

Festivus Games is Saturday October 14th. There’s still time to register. If you haven’t done so, what are you waiting for. It’s a fun competition for everyone, time to get out of your comfort zone and do it.

Pyro 1st year anniversary is Sunday October 22nd from 10 to 4pm. Everybody welcome, members and non-members, friends, family and kids. If you want to take part in the Battle Royale, sign up on the sheet that will be by the white board or let us know by email at 30 combatants, 5 workouts, attrition after each workouts, only one winner. This is going to be epic!! We’ll also have a special edition 1 year anniversary tshirt for the event. More details on everything 1st anniversary event in the next couple days.


Back squat


Behind the neck jerk


Note: Strength only today. Time to give the old lungs a break. Strength days are great, more relaxed atmosphere, still going to be a good workout.

There’s still time to sign up for the Festivus games.

Team series week 1 workout 3 and 4

Workout 3:

In team of 2

For time:
50 synchronized wall balls 20/14
30 cleans 135/95
50 synchronized wall balls 20/14
20 cleans 185/135
50 synchronized wall balls 20/14
10 cleans 225/155

Time cap: 12 minutes
Tiebreak: Time after wall-ball sets

Workout 4

For time:

100 cals row
100 toes to bar

switch as needed
No timecap
No tiebreak

The Firebreathers class is for everyone, just like any other workout at Pyro, you scale to your capacity. Please do not feel intimidated by this class, we want everyone to feel welcome. The nature of the class is to allow us to do workouts that logistically wouldn’t be doable in the regular class. It also allow us to program workouts that are hard to fit in the regular programming. The nature of the movements will be more difficult but it doesn’t mean you can’t scale it. What a better way to get better at the movements you can’t do than coming to classes that has them programmed? There’s no secret to it, you need to work on your weaknesses in order to be good one day. To make this as simple as possible, coming for this workout at 9am a Saturday morning when you could stay in bed makes you Firebreather.


“The Seven”

Seven rounds for time:

7 handstand push ups
7 thruster 135/95
7 knees to elbows
7 deadlifts 245/185
7 burpees
7 kettlebell swings 53/35
7 Pull ups

A suicide bomber killed seven CIA officers and one Jordanian officer at a remote base in southeastern Afghanistan on December 30, 2009 after posing as a potential informant reporting on Al Qaeda. Seven new stars will be etched onto the memorial wall at the CIA where every star represents grieving friends, family and colleagues dedicated to fight against the enemy, forever in their name.




Clean and jerk

Same as the Firebreathers class, the weightlifting is for everyone. We heard a few times already “I’m not coming to weightlifting because I want to be better at it first”. Well, we can’t stress enough, the weightlifting classes are there to make us better at weightlifting regardless of your level. Actually, the worst you are at it, the more you should come. Just like we hear about CrossFit in general, people seems to think they need to be in shape before joining. CrossFit, weightlifting, Firebreathers are all programs for to make us better, fitter and perform. There is no requirements to attend the classes. When you join Pyro, you have unlimited access, all classes, as many times as you want, you should totally come to all the classes. At least, you should do a couple regular classes, 1 or 2 weightlifting and then join in a couple Firebreather classes to get out of your comfort zone. As a community, a team, a group of people that all share the same goal to become fitter, everybody is welcome. You should share a bar with somebody, even if it means take the weights off every time, just come, you’ll have a good time guarantee. Sounds cliche but “Just do it”!!!

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