The team series has started and going for the next 2 weeks. Did you find a partner?

Pyro ladies hiking day Saturday September 23rd

Festivus games is approaching fast, There’s still time to sign up, almost 20 teams registered. We couldn’t stress enough, this is for everyone. If you never competed before, you need to do this. This is a competition of you against you, push yourself and have fun. Don’t overthink this, it’s like any other workouts at Pyro, except that you’ll be doing a bunch of workouts instead of one. Seriously, this is a lot of fun even if competing is not your thing. It’s all about the experience, outdo yourself. Sign up at the link below:

Team Series event 1 and 2

Partner up (male/male, female/female, male/female)

Event 1

For time:

Thrusters 95/65 Sc 65/45
Bar facing burpees

No timecap
No tie break

Note: The only difference between Rx and scaled is the weight on the bar for the thrusters

10min rest/transistion

Event 2 Rx

For time:
120 double unders, each, relay
120 chest to bar pull ups, total, sets of 15
120 hang power snatches, total, sets of 15
120 double unders, each, relay

Bar at 95/65

Timecap 15min
No tiebreak

Event 2 Scaled

For time:
120 single unders, each, relay
120 jumping chest to bar pull ups, total, sets of 15
120 hang power snatches, total, sets of 15
120 single unders, each, relay

Bar at 65/45

Score must be entered by Monday September 25th at 5pm

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