Max unbroken pull ups

The 2017 Pyro beer mile was a huge success! As expected, it was epic!!! Kyle S. is the 2017 Pyro beer mile champion. Can he be beaten? We’ll have to wait until next year!!!



2 deadlifts

Note: Build to your max for 2 reps touch and go


5 rounds for time:

10 deadlifts @60% of 2RM
10 Strict ring dips
10 strict pull ups

Rx+ muscle up to ring dips

50 hanging hip touches

Note: This can be your 50reps for the day. Have you forgotten about these already? Not to spoil anything but like everything we do in our programming has a purpose, what if we have a massive chipper with 50 reps of a bunch of things at the end of the month?

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