4 sets
3 power cleans + 1 jerk

4 sets
1 hang squat clean + 3 jerks

Clean pulls @100% of 1RM (touch and go)

Clean pulls @110% of 1RM (touch and go)

Back squats (3 sec pause at the bottom)

Gentlemen’s paintball is this Saturday at 1:30pm, Bragg Creek. It should be around 50 to 60$. It all depends on what type of gun you take and how much ammo. You can easily go all out and spend 100$. There is no set time for it but we should be done around 3pm. This is for guys only, sorry ladies. We have a reservation for 15 but we can go over. Just show up on location for 1:30pm. Let’s put this fitness to use, see you all there.

Another reminder for the beer mile Sunday at 12pm. We have 27 t-shirts coming in so if you want one, it will be around 25$, we’re still working on the details and the cost. We ordered considering preorders and we expect they will sell out. We can do another order right away and have them next week.


E2M10M (5 sets)

25ft overhead walking lunges

Note: Build to max for 25ft unbroken


3 rounds for reps

1min cals row
1min bench press 135/95
1min GHD sit ups
1min dumbbells hang power cleans 50/35

30sec rest between movements

Note: Score is total reps of all the movements for the 3 rounds


Full body roll 5mins
Full body stretch 5mins

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