Power cleans (tng)


Clean pulls @110% of 1RM


Back squats


Note: For the back squat, high bar and deep. Again, focus on the training side instead of just hitting big numbers on the last set


Push press (from the rack, 15min)



8 rounds for reps:

20sec wall balls 20/14
10sec rest
20sec hang power cleans 95/65
10sec rest
20sec burpees over the bar
10sec rest
20sec shoulder to overhead 95/65
10sec rest

Total workout time: 16min
Your score is your total reps for all the movements combined

Note: I got a bad feeling about this

Power snatch (tng)

Snatch pulls @110% of 1RM (tng)

Front squats

Note: On the squats, don’t just focus on the numbers you hit at the last set. It’s irrelevant if all your other sets are easy. For example, aim to start at roughly 50% of your 1RM and work your way up

Also, “tng” means “touch and go”, you work both in the concentric (up) and the eccentric (down) part of the lifts. It forces you to use muscle not used when doing drops. Not only you will get stronger doing this but essential for barbell cycling. We won’t be doing tng all the time, it has it’s place and time.



Max double unders unbroken or max single unders (If you have time, test both)


Max handstand walk or inverted hand release reps (again, if time test both)

The purpose here is to see where you’re at. You get as many attempts as you want in the timeframe


For time:

100 toes to bar

Everytime you break, perform 10 squats

Note: Scale accordingly, if you end up breaking every 3 reps at 20, you might end up doing a 1000 squats. Don’t do that. You can always do 75, 50 or 30 reps for example. If you scale, don’t make too easy, aim for something that will give you 10 to 15 breaks. Have fun

The Los Angeles World Police Fire Games are starting tomorrow for CrossFit Pyro. You can watch live at www.liveplaysports.tv

1st workout at 4:20pm mountain time



Note: Don’t just focus on the last set, the goal is to develop strenght so don’t start too light. Each set should be challenging


For time:


Bar muscle ups
Shoulder to overhead

12 at 135/95
9 at 155/115
6 at 185/135

Note: For the shoulder to overhead, if scaling, pick a ladder that make sense for you. Same for the bar miscle ups, chest to bar or regular pull ups are good scales. As long as if you scale you don’t make too easy.

Photo by Leonora Andre Photography

Have you signed up for The Festivus Games yet?


10min EMOM alt min

10 med ball ghd sit ups 20/14
5 box jumps 36/30

Note: Med ball Ghd sit ups can be modified to med ball sit ups on the ground


20min AMRAP

400m run
10 barbell turkish get ups 45/30

This is the end of our current cycle. New lifting cycle starting next week for 12 weeks leading to the Rogue Liftoff in November.

20min to find 1RM Snatch

20min to find 1RM Clean and Jerk

Good luck!!!


“Bergeron Beep Test”

Every minute on the minute for as long as you can of:

7 thrusters 75/55
7 pull ups
7 burpees

Ben Bergeron, owner of CrossFit New England calls this his “test for pure conditioning (not skill, not strength). This test makes it easy to compare athletes across a spectrum of sizes, locations, and regardless of skill or equipment… This is also an incredible test of mental toughness, as it is very easy to give up on this workout mentally before your body actually reaches failure. Basically, this is a test of ‘Whatcha-got?’

Note: Your score is the number of rounds completed plus the numbers of reps in the uncompleted round. Example: 7min and 7 thrusters = 7 rounds + 7 is your score. If you cannot complete a round before 8min, continue to the next round but subtract 1 rep on each movement. 6 of each, 5 of each and so on


5min EMOM

15 wall balls 20/14
Max sit ups

Note: Score is the total sit ups after the 5min. Every min on the min, start with 15 wall balls, when you finish the wall balls, perform max sit ups

High hang cleans

Hang cleans


Clean pulls @110% of 1RM clean and jerk

Jerk (From the rack)

Back squat

Friendly reminders:

Hotshot 10 memorial wod: August 27th
Team series partner comp: Sept 20th (sign up online)
Festivus games same sex partner comp: October 14th (sign up online)

And don’t forget to sign up for classes


10min EMOM alt min

10 kettlebell swings 53/35
10 box jumps 24/20


3 rounds for time:

80 double unders
40 cals row
20 handstand push ups
10 pistols

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