5 sets

2 power cleans + 1 push jerk

Clean complex

5 sets

1 high hang clean
1 hang clean
1 clean

Clean pulls @110% of 1RM clean and jerk

Back squat

Don’t forget to sign up for the Festivus games!!

Gentlemen’s paintball: Saturday September 16th at 1330hrs, Bragg Creek. There will be a sign up sheet this week by the white board

Beer mile in association with The Citizen Brewing Company: Sunday September 17th at 1200hrs. There will be a sign up sheet by the white board as well

For time:


Front squats 185/135
Strict press 115/75
Strict weighted pull ups 25/15

Note: One bar per athlete, from the ground. Scale accordingly, pick a weight that works for you. For the pull ups, you can go unweighted, kip or something challenging. Every movement is meant to be difficult and executed at lower intensity.

**At any time during this workout, perform:
4 rounds
20sec max cals air bike
10sec rest

Score is total cals for all 3 rounds

There is 2 scores for this workout: Your time to perform the 21-15-9 and the air bike. Secondary score is your total cals on the air bike

September Pyro Gentlemen’s activity: Paintball
Tentative date: Saturday September 16th 1:30pm


10min AMRAP

30 snatch 75/95
15 burpees
20 snatch 95/65
15 burpees
10 snatch 135/95
15 burpees
5 snatch 165/125
15 burpees
Max snatch 185/135

5min transistion

3 rounds:

500m row
Max push ups

Rest 1min between rounds

Score is total push ups for all 3 rounds combined


Full body stretch

Power snatch

Snatch complex

5 sets

1 high hang snatch
1 hang snatch
1 snatch

Snatch pulls @110% of 1RM

Front squats


Back squats



For time:


Deadlifts 155/115
Box jump overs 24/20

Note: We’ll be using the games standard for the box jump overs, box facing jumps, no extension needed at the top and no lateral jumps. We’ll also set the box so you have to go over the 30 inch length

We’re happy to announce the introduction of the floater workout of the week. Every week, we’ll post a workout that everyone can do on their own, either at Pyro, at home or outside. These workouts are meant to be add ons to our programming (which is already pretty intensive). We’ll post the workout on a board at the gym, once completed, just add your name and your score. The workouts will vary, from monostructural like running, rowing, air bike or others, to AMRAPs, EMOMs, basically anything you would expect from the regular programming, just extra. Have fun!!

Floater WOD for the week of August 20th:

5k run

11 days until the deadline to sign up for the Festivus games and get your tshirt. Find a partner and sign up today!!!


Muscle snatch

Power snatch


Note: For this format, try to only go up in weight. Unless your form starts to break apart, go back down as needed


5min AMRAP

Squat clean and jerk 155/115

Mark your calendar:
Firebreather class, Aug 26th at 9am
Hotshot 19th memorial wod Aug 27th
911 memorial wod Sept 10th (bring your weight vest)
Team series Sept 20th, sign up online
Festivus Games Oct 14th, sign up online


7 rounds for time:

3 forward rolls
5 wall climbs
7 toes to bar
9 box jumps 30/24

Go sign up for the Festivus game today, if you haven’t done so.

Team series is going to be a lot of fun, you don’t want to miss out on that, find a partner and sign up. Any partner, same sex, opposite sex, young, old, any partner. There’s a scale and Rx division and an online leaderboard.

Firebreather class at 9am next Saturday. This is for everyone but you should have a good base experience in CrossFit. We don’t want to call it advanced class because it’s not what it is. The last thing we want is to separate our community. Same format as any other classes but will be more to the point. No extensive time on demoing, progressions and scaling options, you should come in knowing what most of the movements are. For example, this is not going to be the place to start going over the hook grip, what a clean and jerk is, a muscle up just to name a few. The classes will be coached just like any other classes. This is a great opportunity for us to capture the Firebreather spirit, going outside of our comfort zone with some workouts that we wouldn’t typically do in regular classes. It will also be a good time to focus a bit more on the competitive aspect of CrossFit, learning how to be more efficient, move faster and the pacing in workouts. We will explore more on the competitive workouts flow like setup lines, lifting ladders and such. This is going to be a great addiction to our already top notch programming and weightlifting.

Overhead squats

Push press

Push jerk

Festivus games video demo is here!!! Have you signed up yet? No partner? Make sure you bring it up in class, somebody will join you guarantee, but you need to bring it up.


10min to complete:

3 peg board ascents
10 deficit handstand push ups
20 bodyweight bench press
30 bodyweight back squats

Note: You can perform the reps and the movements in any order you want. Scale accordingly


For time:


Sumo-deadlift high pulls 115/85
Thrusters 115/85

Rope climbs 1-2-3 reps (21-21-1, 15-15-2, 9-9,3)


Hotshot 19 memorial WOD Aug 27th
911 memorial WOD Sept 10th (weight vest workout)
Team series Sept 20th
Festivus games Oct 14th


Tempo front squats (3sec down, 3sec up)


For time:

400m run
40 cals row
40 push ups
40 kb snatch 53/35
40 kb goblet squats 53/35
40 kb swings 53/35
40 double unders

**If you have a weight vest, wear it**

Note: We will run this workout games format in lines. After each movement you will advance to the next station. Carry your KB from the snatch to goblet squats to swings

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