Tall cleans (this is part of the warm up, don’t spend to much time on this)

1 Hang clean + 1 push jerk + 1 split jerk
5 sets

Clean pulls @110% of 1RM clean and jerk

Front rack dip and drive @110 of 1RM clean and jerk

Note: From the rack, dip and drive but don’t try to get the load overhead

Back squats (aim for all reps to be above your 1RM clean and jerk)

Last day to register for the Festivus Games and secure your free tshirt. You can still sign up later but you might not get a tshirt. We’re sitting at 12 teams right now with more signing up for sure. We’re expecting 20 teams total. This is a competition for everyone, novice and intermediate skill level, no competitive games or regionals athletes here, this is for people that never competed before and people looking to have fun. Don’t take yourself too seriously. Go on www.festivusgames.com, search for the competition at CrossFit Pyro and sign up. BOOM, just like that you’re all set for a great day filled with awesome workouts and people. Seriously, regardless of your skill level or experience competing, you can do this!

“Thursday Chipper”

For time:

Sandbag hill run 70/50
50 wall balls 20/14
25 sumo deadlift high pulls 95/65
10 strict handstand push ups
50 burpees over the bar
25 sumo deadlift high pulls 95/65
10 farmers carry 25ft (250ft total) 53/35
50 situps
25 sumo deadlift high pulls 95/65
10 ring muscle ups
Sandbag hill run 70/50

Note: If not enough kettlebells are available for the workout, 50/35 dumbbelsl is acceptable

Gentlemen’s paintball, Saturday September 16th at 1:30pm

Beer mile, Sunday September 17th at 1200pm


10min EMOM alt min

5 strict toes to bars
10 barbell good mornings (pick a weight that allows you to do 5 sets of 10 and is challenging)

Note: Back extension on the GHD is a good alternative, both target the same muscle group. If you go with the back extension, maybe consider grabbing a weight to add more resistance


For time:

400m walking lunges


60 chest to bar pull ups

Note: If you have a weight vest, wear it. Score is time for the lunges, time for the chest to bar and time total. For example: Lunges 10:00, Chest to bar 3:00, total time 13:00

Coach’s note: We’re doing a bit more monostructural work this week. Meaning that we’re targeting longer sets with on single movements. Those are great to build capacity and muscle endurance

Power snatch

Hang snatch (squat)

Snatch pulls @110%

Note: Control on the way down as well

Front squat

Note: Good control at the bottom, don’t just rush out of the hole just to get big numbers. It’s about building strength and developing comfort at the bottom


The rope climb (10min)

Note: This is the time to review the rope climb wraps, technique and performance points.
For the more advanced athletes that already have a good solid technique:

E2M10M (5 sets)

1 “double up” start seated on the ground (Once you cleared the ground you can leg wrap)
1 L sit, start seated on the ground
1 leg less
1 shorty (you can only wrap at 6ft
1 rope climb

Note: For the double up, you start seated on the ground, climb up, come down to a seated position touch and go on the ground, go back up and down to a seated position. Hint: this is really difficult


10min EMOM alt min

30 double unders
15 cals row

Main course

100m handstand walk (that’s approx 330ft)

Note: When you fail, start back to the furthest point from the finish. We’ll do this along a 30ft section. For scaling, get inverted as much as possible, shoulder taps, get the coach to spot you with a pvc pipe or do the around the world with a plyo box.

Coach’s note: This is going to be an absolutely delightful session

Thanks to everyone that came today for the Hotshot 19 memorial workout. We raised a total of 500$ for the families of the fallen. Great showing, everybody pushed to their limits and beyond

Floater WOD for the week of September 27th:

Tabata cals air bike

Note: Just like last week’s workout with the 5k run, you can perform this workout anytime during the week. We’ll have the workout on the small board at the gym, once completed, write down you name and your score. Get it done!!

Shoulder press



For time:


Kettlebell swings 53/35
Box jumps 24/20

Note: Today’s workout is meant to be easier on the body with a light load and easier movements. Not going to be easy my any means but a lot of us will Rx it. After Kalsu and the Hotshot 19 workout, we needed something that won’t destroy our nervous system and annihilate our joints. That being said, it is still 150 reps of each so scale the volume accordingly if needed.

HOTSHOT 19 memorial workout at 0900 and 1000, open gym at 1100. Don’t forget to bring your donations, all proceeds go directly to the families of the fallen. Firefighters, bring your duty gear and running shoes. Free drop-ins to all non-members, just bring a donation of any amount.

6 rounds for time:

30 squats
19 power cleans 135/95
7 strict pull ups
400m run

Nineteen members of the Granite Mountain Hotshots firefighting team tragically lost their lives on June 30, 2013, while fighting a fire in Yarnell, Arizona.


Jesse Steed, 36
Wade Parker, 22
Joe Thurston, 32
William Warneke, 25
John Percin, 24
Clayton Whitted, 28
Scott Norris, 28
Dustin Deford, 24
Sean Misner, 26
Garret Zuppiger, 27
Travis Carter, 31
Grant McKee, 21
Travis Turbyfill, 27
Andrew Ashcraft, 29
Kevin Woyjeck, 21
Anthony Rose, 23
Eric Marsh, 43
Christopher MacKenzie, 30
Robert Caldwell, 23

Snatch grip sots press

Snatch balance

Bench press


Today marks start of our Firebreathers classes. Every Saturday at 9am. Are you a CrossFit Pyro Firebreather? The real question is: Do you have what it takes to be a Firebreather? The thing is, being a Firebreather is a state of mind, a mindset, a person characterized by an incredible mental toughness, a person that doesn’t settle for mediocrity, a person that never gives up, a person that wants more and will push beyond their limits, everybody has that potential. Are you willing to put the work in, are you willing to truly ignite your potential and become the human being you are meant to be? If this doesn’t pump you up, what will? Show up today to the Firebreather class and start your journey to become more.


For time:

100 Thrusters 135/95

Every minute on the minute, perform 5 burpees. The workout starts with burpees

score is time to complete the 100 thrusters

Note: Firebreather classes are just like regular classes, scale accordingly to your strength and skill level. The thrusters are meant to be heavy so pick something that will challenge you. Aim for something you can do 5 to 10 reps unbroken

Bob Kalsu

Kalsu was an NFL player with an extremely promising career ahead of him. After starting the entire 1968 season with the Buffalo Bills as a guard, he was named Team Rookie of the Year.

Despite the promise of a legendary career, Kalsu put that aside to enlist in the Army in 1969 and was soon shipped out to Vietnam, where he lost his life less than a year later. Kalsu left behind a wife and two young children.

He was 25 years old when he died. The Kalsu WOD was created to honor Bob and his sacrifice for our country.

Festivus games sign up link: www.festivusgames.com
Hotshot 19 memorial wod: Sunday August 27th, 0900 and 1000hrs, all donations to the families of the fallen
911 memorial workout: Sunday September 10th, 0900 and 1000hrs, bring your weight vest
Gentlemen’s paintball: Saturday September 16th, 1330hrs, Bragg Creek
Beer mile: Sunday September 17th, 1200hrs, CrossFit Pyro/Citizen brewing company
Team series: September 20th


10min EMOM alt min

Handstand (handstand hold, walk or freestanding)
Pistols (work on progression, mobility, weighted, don’t go over 4 reps if going weighted)


6 rounds for time:

10 knees to elbows
25 double unders
25 walking lunges steps

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