Power snatch

Hang snatch (squat)

Snatch pulls @110%

Note: Control on the way down as well

Front squat

Note: Good control at the bottom, don’t just rush out of the hole just to get big numbers. It’s about building strength and developing comfort at the bottom


The rope climb (10min)

Note: This is the time to review the rope climb wraps, technique and performance points.
For the more advanced athletes that already have a good solid technique:

E2M10M (5 sets)

1 “double up” start seated on the ground (Once you cleared the ground you can leg wrap)
1 L sit, start seated on the ground
1 leg less
1 shorty (you can only wrap at 6ft
1 rope climb

Note: For the double up, you start seated on the ground, climb up, come down to a seated position touch and go on the ground, go back up and down to a seated position. Hint: this is really difficult


10min EMOM alt min

30 double unders
15 cals row

Main course

100m handstand walk (that’s approx 330ft)

Note: When you fail, start back to the furthest point from the finish. We’ll do this along a 30ft section. For scaling, get inverted as much as possible, shoulder taps, get the coach to spot you with a pvc pipe or do the around the world with a plyo box.

Coach’s note: This is going to be an absolutely delightful session

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